Margaret Mead's Publications

  • Published "Coming of Age in Samoa"

    Published "Coming of Age in Samoa"
    "Studied young girls adoloscence in Samoa." Library of Congress
  • Period: to

    Margaret Mead's Publications

  • Published "Growing Up in New Guinea"

    Published "Growing Up in New Guinea"
    "Describes her encounter with indegenous people in New Guinea. She then compares her findings with westerners." Amazon
  • Published "The Changing Culture of an Indian Tribe"

    Published "The Changing Culture of an Indian Tribe"
    "Describes the conditions of an anonymous indian tribe on a reservation." Ebay
  • Published "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies"

    Published "Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies"
    "Describes the life of three different societies in New Guinea." Goodreads
  • Published "And Keep Your Powder Dry: An Anthropologist Looks at America"

    Published "And Keep Your Powder Dry: An Anthropologist Looks at America"
    "Discusses her point of view of America during the beginning of World War II." Amazon
  • Published "Male and Female"

    Published "Male and Female"
    "It is a comparitive study of tribal men and women in pacific islands and men and women in the United States." Etsy
  • Published "New Lives for Old: Cultural Transformation in Manus"

    Published "New Lives for Old: Cultural Transformation in Manus"
    "An Extension of 'Growing Up in New Guinea.' She returns to her work twenty-five years later." Antiqbook
  • Published "People and Places"

    Published "People and Places"
    "Discusses how to develop mature relationships." Amazon
  • Published "Continuities in Cultural Evolution"

    Published "Continuities in Cultural Evolution"
    "Discusses the need to develop a truly evolutionary vision of human culture and society," Amazon
  • Published "Culture and Commitment: A Study of the Generation Gap"

    Published "Culture and Commitment: A Study of the Generation Gap"
    "Discusses cultural evolution is a valid theory; that an evolutionary sequence in cultures can be characterized in
    terms of generational interaction; that we
    are experiencing an irreversible evolutionary
    change, of which for the first time in human
    history we have full awareness; and that the
    'generation gap' is not only a reality, but,
    in the foregoing context, a sea-change in
    human history." Amazon
  • Published "The Mountain Arapesh: Stream of Events in Alitoa"

    Published "The Mountain Arapesh: Stream of Events in Alitoa"
    "Discussed the Alitoa people in many communities." Alibris
  • Published "Blackberry Winter: My Earlier Years"

    Published "Blackberry Winter: My Earlier Years"
    "Discusses her life as an anthropologist." Amazon