
Mapping Technology Use

  • Student teaching

    Student teaching
    Throughout my student teaching at ISU, I used the overhead projectors for class notes and games. Students would take notes from the overhead. A popular game we played was "Matamoscas" or the flyswatter game. I wrote their vocabulary words all over the transparency. The students were divided into two groups. As the vocabulary words were projected on the board, one student per group came up to the board, I showed a picture, then the students were to swat the word once they found it.
  • Period: to

    My Technology Use Over Time

  • First teaching job

    First teaching job
    I began my first teaching job in Scottsdale, Arizona at Rancho Solano Private Schools. I taught 7th and 8th grade Spanish. It was an accelerated school where I was teaching high school content. I had a computer in my classroom, a dry-erase board, a chalkboard, a television, overhead projector, pull down screen and a VCR/DVD combo.
  • Smart Board

    Smart Board
    Rancho Solano purchased a Smart Board for the computer lab. The computer lab was available for all teachers to use, but teachers needed to sign up to use. There were 25 computers in the lab.
  • New School at Olympia

    New School at Olympia
    We made the decision to move back to Illinois from Arizona and I began teaching at Olympia. My first year I did not have a classroom so I had a traveling cart for the 4 classes I taught. Each classroom had a stationary computer and no Smart Board. Most classrooms had an overhead projector, which I used often. An Elmo was available upon request. I also had to roll in the big cart with the TV and VCR when I needed to show a video.
  • CPS Clicker System

    CPS Clicker System
    The Classroom Performance System (CPS), also known as "clickers" are handheld devices that allow students to respond to surveys or selected response questions anonymously. Teachers get immediate results without having to grade assessments. With this software, I was able to make my own questions. I used this system for vocabulary and grammar practice as well as for a quiz, test and final exam.
  • New Classroom

    New Classroom
    After my first year teaching at Olympia, I got my own classroom. The room had a computer, chalkboard, a white board was installed, an overhead projector and a pull down screen.
  • Promethean Boards

    Promethean Boards
    Olympia purchased and installed a Promethean Board in my classroom. This was a great opportunity for me to "take" my students to Spain or Mexico via YouTube, Google Maps, show videos from the Internet or DVDs.
  • I-Pads

    Olympia purchased an I-Pad for each teacher to keep. Two I-Pad carts are available for all teachers to reserve.
  • Quizlet

    I discovered the website for students to practice their vocabulary. This was either done as a filler after activities were complete or done as a homework assignment.
  • Chromebooks Part 1

    Chromebooks Part 1
    Olympia purchased a Chromebook for each freshmen student as well as for any teacher that teaches a freshmen class. Freshmen are not enrolled in Spanish therefore I do not have a Chromebook. I have used one a few times just to get to know some of the programs.
  • Flipgrid

    I was introduced to the app called Flipgrid in my TCH 401 class. I use this app a lot in my Spanish classes. This app enables my students to do a quick speaking activity by themselves or with a partner. So far, I've used Flipgrid as a formative assessment to give feedback to students. I use the I-Pads for this app.
  • Planbook

    I began to use to enter all of my lesson plans. I really love this website as I am able to access my lessons from home, instead of on the hard drive of my classroom computer.
  • Chromebooks Part 2

    Chromebooks Part 2
    All Olympia High School students will have a Chromebook as well as all Olympia High School teachers. I plan to use the Chromebooks a lot and believe by using them, my students will have a lot of choice in developing their growth mindset.