Mapping Out A Makerspace

  • Professional Development

    Professional Development
    Principals, teachers, and staff will come together and experience a Makerspace through a cross-curricular makers lesson. Create teams to research lessons, gather/locate resources--GoFundMe, and supply team. Connect teams with Instagram, Pinterest, and other STEAM makerspace sources.
  • Grants, Donors Choose, GoFundMe, & Budget

    Grants, Donors Choose, GoFundMe, & Budget
    Teams will begin gathering funds and supplies for future lessons. Discuss a class location and possible budget with principal.
  • Planning Meeting

    Planning Meeting
    Stakeholders meet to evaluate resources, lessons, and further needs. Create a needs list and plan fundraising event. Lessons will be reviewed and a the possibility of a future design challenge discussed.
  • Check in Meeting

    Check in Meeting
    Meet with teams to ensure event plans are ready to move forward and help is organized.
  • Donation Event

    Donation Event
    Hold a carnival type donation event where parents and students can donate items from a previously created list, play games, and purchase food to help support the Makerspace.
  • Purchasing & Prepare Location

    Purchasing & Prepare Location
    Purchasing plan for necessary items--3D printer if possible--and preparation of makerspace room. Paint, classroom layout, building of desks and shelfing, etc...
  • Purchasing

    Finalize purchasing and place orders. Plan for August teacher training.
  • Teacher Training

    Teacher Training
    Teachers will be trained for usage and safety.
  • First Day of School

    First Day of School
    School begins. Teachers tour students through the new space.
  • Makerspace Classroom Open

    Makerspace Classroom Open
    Teachers and students may beginning using the Makerspace
  • Reflection Meeting

    Reflection Meeting
    Stakeholders will meet to reflect on the successes and challenges and discuss needed adjustments. Teachers can complete a SWOT