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Manifest Destiny

  • Settlers in Texas

    In order to defend the land from hostile natives, the spaniash Government ordered huge tracts of land to Empresarios.
  • The Santa Fe trail

    The Santa Fe trail
    William Becknell pioneers a trail that becomes kown as the Santa Fe trail.
  • Atracked by a Grizzley

    Atracked by a Grizzley
    Jedidiah Smith is attacked by a grizzly bear while leading a party through the Rockie Mountians, ripping his skin and injuring him badly. Jedidiah Smith
  • The rendezvous system

    The rendezvous system
    William Henry Ashley creats the rendezvous system, every year from 1825 to 1840 so that traders and trappers couldmeet and trade items.
  • Slavery Outlawed

    Mexico outlaws slavery making slave owners angry.
  • Death of Jedidiah Smith

    Death of Jedidiah Smith
    Jedidiah smith, a famous mountain man, dies exploring the Santa Fe trail
  • The War begins

    Santa Anna jails Moses Austin when he learnes Austin would support breaking away from Mexican rule.
  • San Jacinto

    San Jacinto
    Houston Charged Santa Anna at San Jacinto screaming "Remember the Alamo" within 18 minutes Houston killed half of Santa Anna's army,Santa Anna was forced to sign a treaty giving Texas it's freedom and ending the war.
  • The Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail
    The Oreon Trail starts to be traveled by missionaries such as Marcus and Narcissa Witman.
  • Texas Denied Annexing

    Many Texans wanted to be apart of the United States but northerners feared that allowing Texas into the union would disrupt the balance of slave states and freestates or that it would lead to war with Mexico,Congress decided to not allow Texas into the union.
  • The Mormon Trial

    The Mormon Trial
    Brigham Young moves his people out of Nauvoo to Salt Lake City in order for a place for his people to worship.
  • The division of Oregon

    The division of Oregon
    Instead of fighting for all of Oregon Polk went for half of it, seperated by the 49th parallel where much of the United States and Canada shared their border.
  • Mexico Ambushes American Troops

    A Mexican unit crossed the Rio Grande, where America had stationed troops,and ambushed an American patrol. Polk declared war with america over the border line of Texas and Mexico.
  • Buena Vista

    Buena Vista
    Taylor's army meets Santa Anna's army near a ranch called Buena Vista, Santa Anna had outnumbered Taylor 4,800 to 15,000. after two days of fighting Santa Anna retreated, and the war in the north Mexico was over.
  • Beckworth finds pass

    Beckworth finds pass
    Jim Beckworth finds a pass through the Sierra Nevadas allowing thousands access to northern California.
  • Joseph Smith

    Joseph Smith
    Joseph Smith creates the Curch of the Latter-Day saints.
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