making of the modern world

  • Feb 13, 1562

    slave trade

    slave trade
    africans had practiced slavery since ancient times.The slaves had been captured in warfare and sold to Arab traders of northern Africa. Portugal and Spain became to get involved in the African slave trade during the early 1500's, after they had established colonies in the Americas. Portugal acquired African slaves to work on sugar plantations.
  • The Invention of the Steam Engine

    The Invention of the Steam Engine
    A steam engine is a device that changes the potential energy that stays as pressure in steam, and converts that to mechanical force. Early examples were the steam locomotive trains that relied on these steam engines for movement. The Industrial Revolution came about primarily because of the steam engine. The thirty seconds or so required to develop pressure made steam less favored for automobiles, which are generally powered by internal combustion engines
  • british convicts

    british convicts
    On January the 26 th 1788 eleven British ships under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip, first Governor of the new colony,stoped his ship on the east coast of Australia at Sydney and raised the British Flag.Known as the First Fleet the ships sailed from England on the 13th of May 1787.
  • founding of sydney

    founding of sydney
    Sydney was founded in 1788 when the first 11 ships arrived in Australia from England. On 13 May 1787 11 ships set sail from Portsmouth, England. in the ships were 759 convicts, most of them men with sailors and marines to guard the prisoners. With them they took seeds, farm implements, livestock such as cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, horses and chickens and 2 years supply of food.
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    Eli Whitney had been graduated from Yale University and went to Georgia to make his future. By April, 1793 Whitney had invented the cotton gin. After the invention of the cotton gin, the yield of raw cotton doubled each decade after 1800. Revolution, such as the machines to spin and weave it and the steamboat to transport it
  • refrigerator

    In 1805, an American inventor, Oliver Evans, designed the first refrigerator. The first practical refrigerating machine was built by Jacob Perkins in 1834; it used ether in a vapor compression cycle. An American physician, John Gorrie, built a refrigerator on Oliver Evans' design in 1844 to make ice to cool the air for his sick fever patients. German engineer Carl von Linden,made not a refrigerator but the process of liquifying gas in 1876 that is part of basic refrigeration
  • the factory acts

    the factory acts
    The Factory Acts were a cycle of Acts passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom to give the s number of hours worked by women and children in the textile industry, then later in all industries.The first aim of the movement was for a "ten hours bill" to make it exactly ten hour for chidren to work

    The Suez Canal, located in Egypt, is a 101 mile (163 km) long canal that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Gulf of Suez, a northern branch of the Red Sea. It officially opened in November 1869.There is a long history of interest in joining both the Nile River in Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea.
  • automobile

    European engineers started touching the motor powered vehicles. Steam, combustion, and electrical motors had all came by the mid 1800's. By the 1900's, it wasn't known which type of engine would power the automobile. At first, the electric car was the most popular, but at the time a battery did not exist that would allow a car to move with much speed or over a long distance.
  • aeroplane

    right brothers Orville Wright very well makes a flight in a heavier-than-air machine that takes off from the ground with its own power and is controlled in the plane while flying. He flies the first airplane.many other designers created flying machines in Europe and the United States over the next 54 years
  • panama canal

    panama canal
    The 48 mile-long (77 km) international waterway known as the Panama Canal allows ships to pass between the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean, saving about 8000 miles (12,875 km) from a journey around the southern tip of South America, Cape Horn
  • worldwar 1

    worldwar 1
    The First World War began when Britain and Germany went to war in August 1914.Australia's early involvement in the Great War included the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force.On 25 April 1915 members of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) landed at Gallipoli together with troops from New Zealand, Britain, and France.
  • independenceof U.S

    independenceof U.S
    The Independence of U.S was a statement taken by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.Then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. Instead they now formed a new nation--the United States of America.