Making of the modern world

  • steam engine

    steam engine
    first steam engine was built by thomas savery. james watt a man who miproved the steam engine sped up the industrial revolution
    in england and the rest of the world.
  • Period: to

    industraial revolution

    the industrial revolution began in great britian. during this time there was also many new advancements for technology.industry was relesing huge amounts of carbon dioxide into the air.
  • Period: to

    William Wilberforce

    William Wilberforce began his political career in 1780.William wilberforce was famous for getting rid of slavery.Hd was buried in westminster abbey.
  • u.s declaration of independance

    u.s declaration of independance
    The author of the us declaration of independance was thomas jefferson.The declaration of independance is put up at the National Archives in Washington D.C. The point of this was to state and explain the separation from great britian.
  • sydney founded- end of convict system.

    the city began with the coming of the first fleet of british ships in 1788. in 1901 sydney became a state capital when new south whales voted to join the the australian federation.
  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    a cotton gin is a machine hich separates cotton fibres from their seeds. the first cotton gin was made by American inventor Eli Whitney in 1793.
  • Suez canal

    Suez canal
    suez canal was built in egypt. It is a waterway which has connected the mediterranean sea and red now makes it easier for transportation.
  • photography

    the first almost successful photograph of a camera image was created by Nicéphore Niépce.He made his first permanent photograph in 1826.
  • factory acts

    factory acts
    in 1833 the government made a factory act to improve conditions for children working in factories. there was no chilrdren allowed to wrk under the age of nine, children are not to work at night and two hours schooling each day for children. there were also other acts.
  • automobile

    the first modern automobile was made by Karl Benz. an automobile has 3--4 wheels and is self propelled ad powered.
  • australia recieves federation

    the federation of australia was the process of which six british colonies formed one nation. they were New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia . the colonies then became states of the commonwealth of austrlia.
  • airplane

    the wright brothers were to american brothers who made the worlds first successful airplane.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World war 1 was a global war centered in europe. it started on the 28th july 1914 and ended 11th november 1918. world war one was also know as the great war.
  • panama canal

    panama canal
    panama canal lets ships go through the atlantic ocean and pacific ocean.It was being worked on in 1881 and completed in 1914.