1962 BCE
The second Vatican council
*this event was held between 1962 and 1965
*there are some factors present in society after WWII leading up to the Council
*one factor was that the UN had formed a world gaurdian of human rights
*there was increased prosperity and power amount the western nations
*developijg nations were involved in a dangerous arms race which was treating world peace -
1870 BCE
The first Vatican council
*it was known as the Blessed Plus IX
*Reviewed, summeriesed catholic faith and dealt with the authority of the Pope.
*the teachings of the Council that the Pope had full control over the church and as a success of Peter he is infallible.
*his infallible teachings definitively that a doctrine concerning morals or faith is to be believed by the whole church. -
1540 BCE
The Role of Jesuits
- At the heart of Catholic counter reformation at the society was Jesus.
- This was founded by St Ignatius of Loyola and approved by Pope Paul III.
- They are often called the "shock troops of the counter reformation".
- Their motto was "To the greater glory of God".
- They had a strong sense of unity amongst themselves.
1534 BCE
The reformation
- Pope Theo X granted an indulgence for contributions towards the building of the new St Peters Basilca at Rome.
- There was corruption in various parts of the Church.
- Often bishops were completely absent from their dioceses some clergy and dishonest.
- The issues in both he reformation caused a movement called Protestantism.
- The sale of indulgence gave Martin Luther an opportunity to attack this issue
1530 BCE
The Council of Trent
- Pope Paul III lead the Church between 1534 - 1539 is considered to be the first Pope of the Catholic reform.
- In 1535 Paul III was finally convened to the council of Trent.
- The council met at various times between 1545 and 1563 responded firmly to the issues.
- The council forbade many corrupt practices amongst priests, bishops and cardinals.
- No one was to be appointed bishop until he had been ordained for six months. This rule was formed by the Council of Trent.
1515 BCE
St Teresa of Avila
- St Teresa was born on the 28th March 1515.
- She experienced a vision of the wounded Christ and in prayer and contemplation she focused on Christs passion.
- With these visions she focused on renewing and reforming her order.
- Gathering a group of supporters, Teresa endeavoured to create a calmer light order.
- She died in 1582
1400 BCE
The year 1400-1700 CE
*explosion of learning in the arts science and world exploration
*the great western schism
*martin luthers challenges to the Catholic Church - origin of Protestant churches
* English parliament declares Henry VII head of the Church of England
*John Calvin institutes Presbyterian church
*musilm Turks conquer Constantinople
*council of Trent -
1340 BCE
The Black Death
- The plague erupted in the Gobi desert in the 1320's and spread from there in every direction.
- The disease travelled by ship aswell by land. By the end of 1347 it had effected Cyprus, Sicily and Italy.
- The medical term for the plague that became known as the Black Death is bubonic plague and it was carried by rats and other rodents.
1340 BCE
The Black Death
- The devestating loss of life and the ugliness of the disease made people wonder why God seemed to be so angry with his people.
- Some Christians started taking extreme measures to appease his anger.
800 BCE
The year 800-1400CE
*struggles between the king ps and the popes for thepeople's loyalty
*break between the church in the east and tge church in the west
*the crusades against the priests and the Muslims
*building of great catherderal
*age of scholars
*the Black Plague
*life of Saint Francis from Assisi
*life of Thomas Aquenis -
476 BCE
The year 476 -800 CE
*offical end of the Roman Empire
*beginning of the Muslim religion
*rise in the great monistic orders and monetary
*establishmeng of the Holy Roman Empire -
451 BCE
The Council of Chalcedon
*the Council of Nicaea taught that Jesus was Devine but this led to issues.
* the council gathers to talk about how they can correctly describe Jesus life and keep an even balance
*they spoke of Jesus if having two natures, consisting of humanity and dignity
*they focused on critical issues of his identity and relationships
*the church learnt and understood the teachings clearly and that he is fully God and fully man -
14 BCE
The year 14-476CE
- birth of the church
- beginning of the persecutions of the Christians *destruction if the temple in Jerusalem *diveion of the Roman Empire, into eastern and western parts *fall of Rome to the northern tribes *the Council of Nicaea *the Council of Charlcedon