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Major Events of the Civil War

  • Lincoln’s Election

    Lincoln’s Election
    Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the United States in 1860. The announcement of Lincolns success at becoming president caused the Southern states to secede. This happened because the South threatened to secede if the republicans won the White House (Abraham Lincoln Elected President).
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina was the first to secede from the federal Union. After the election of 1860 this triggered separation of the Union. The secession of South Carolina caused the outburst of the American Civil War in the Charleston Harbor (South Carolina Secession).
  • Confederacy Formed

    Confederacy Formed
    In February of 1861 people form six of the seceded states met in Montgomery, Alabama to make a united government. They named this the Confederate States of America. In February Jefferson Davis was named the first Confederacy president (States Meet to Form Confederacy).
  • Civil War Begins

    Civil War Begins
    The Civil War started in 1861. It started because the Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s Charlestons Harbor. Hours later the Unions forces surrendered (Civil War Begins).
  • The First Battle of Bull Run

    The First Battle of Bull Run
    The First Battle of Bull Run occurred in Virginia of 1861. It was the first major land battle of the Civil War. 35,000 Union troops went to fight the Confederate along the river Bull Run (First Battle of Bull Run).
  • The Naval Battles Monitor and Merrimac

    The Naval Battles Monitor and Merrimac
    The Naval Battles Monitor and Merrimac occurred in 1862. These Naval Battles was fought between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia. This battle showed the success of ironclad technology. It ended with 394 casualties (Hampton Roads).
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The Battle of Shiloh occurred in Tennessee of 1862. This battle started because the Confederate Army attacked the Union forces under General Ulysses A. Grant. The battle of Shiloh ended with the Union forces victory. This battle was one of the bloodiest battle in American History (Shiloh).
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    The Second Battle of Bull Run occurred in Virginia of 1862. In the battle the Confederate army defeated Union Forces under General Pope. General Pope then hurried the federalists back to Washington. This allowed Lee to take his army across the Potomac River into the North (Second Manassas).
  • The Battle of Antietam

    The Battle of Antietam
    The Battle of Antietem was in Washington on September of 1862. The Battle of Antietam was one of the deadliest one day battle in America. This battle gave Abraham Lincoln the strength to announce the Emancipation Proclamation. The Battle of Antitam caused 22,000 casualties (Antietam).
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    President Abraham Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation in January of 1863. The Proclamation said that all the people held as slaves should be free from now on. The Emancipation Proclamation only applied to the states that had seceded (Emancipation Proclamation).
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The Siege of Vicksburg occurred in Mississippi, in 1863. During the Siege of Vicksburg the confederacy surrendered and that gave the Union control of the Mississippi River. This Siege lasted 47 days with 37,273 casualties (Vicksburg).
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    The Battle of Gettysburg occurred in Adams Country Pennsylvania. The battle of Gettysburg was won by the Union. The loss in Gettysburg ruined the Confederate States hope of having America become an independent nation (Gettysburg).
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    Reconstruction of the South

    The Reconstruction of the South occurred in 1863. The Reconstruction of the South allowed 4 million slaves to go free in America. in 1865 Black Codes were announced to control enslaved people and other African Americans. There was anger in the North because of the Black Codes (Reconstruction).
  • Lincoln Re-Elected

    Lincoln Re-Elected
    Abraham Lincolns Re-election occurred in 1864. The Northern voters approved of Abraham Lincolns Re-election. By this time the Civil Was in it’s fourth year and people were wondering if the South could ever arrange settlement with the North (Abraham Lincoln Reelected).
  • Robert E. Lee Surrenders

    Robert E. Lee Surrenders
    Robert E. Lee surrendered in Virginia of 1865. Robert E. Lee surrendered his 28,000 confederate troops this effectively ended the Civil War. He surrendered because he wanted to end the destruction to the South (10 Facts: Appomattox Court House).
  • Lincolns Assassination

    Lincolns Assassination
    Abraham Lincolns Assassination occurred in Washington D.C. of 1865. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth because he thought that the Confederacy should be restored. The assassination occurred only 5 days after Robert E. Lee’s surrender (Abraham Lincoln's Assassination).