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major events in middle east relations

  • 1948 War

    1948 War
    Israel declared independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, & Iraq attacked Israel. In the end lsrael gained land, Egypt gained the Gaza Strip and Jordan gained the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews became refugees.
  • 1967 war

    1967 war
    Egypt blockaded lsrael. Egypt, Jordan, Syria & lraq moved troops to lsrael's borders and made threatening statements. lsrael launched a preemptive strike. lsrael captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews became refugees, Terrorism became more common,
  • settlement construction begins

    Israeli people start settling in the gaza strip and west bank. THe results of this are that 300,000 Israelis are settling in the gaza strip and travel for Palestinians becoming more difficult
  • attrition battles

    attrition battles
    After the Arab nations decided against peace with israel, PLO attacks increased against Israel and jordan. Egypt also starting attacking israel. After this the PLO is kicked out of jordan and move to lebanon
  • Yom Kippur war

    Yom Kippur war
    Egypt and Syria attack Israel on Yom kippur. after the war Israel didn't gain any land at all.
  • Egypt and Israel sign a Peace treaty

    Egypt and Israel sign a Peace treaty
    The US persuades Israel and Egypt to sign a peace treaty, in the end egypt recognized israel as a state and regained its territory.
  • the 1982 Lebanon war

    the 1982 Lebanon war
    Israel and the PLO launch attacks at each other, the aftermath of this is that israel makes south Lebanon a buffer zone
  • the first intifada

    Many Palestinians launch terrorist attacks against the Israeli people, and up until 1993. then the Israeli military restrained the Palestinians
  • the first infiada

    many Palestinians launch terrorist attacks against the Israeli people . then the israeli military restrained the Palestinians
  • israel signs a peact treaty with jordan

    jordan follows egypts example and gains all of its land back while recognizing israel ads a state.
  • camp david summit

    the Palestinian president disagrees with the agreement the US and israel proposed for peace in the middle east, because it favored one side. This caused more strife in the middle east.
  • the second intifada

    after Sharon visits temple mount Palestinians took this as the final straw and started rioting with bombings. after this israel started building the west bank barrier.
  • israel begins construction on the west bank barrier

    israel builds this wall to try and limit bombing and terrorism Israel as a whole. this in turn causes mor protests for Palestinians who are being segregated.
  • the roadmap for peace

    this was a plan proposed by the UN, but it was halted by the terrorist group Hamas. because of Hamas this caused no change in the middle east
  • arab peace initiative is proposed

    it was a breakthrough for peace in the middle east because the Arab league met up with israels government. to discuss peace. htis ushered in a new era of trying to solve problems diplomatically
  • israel disengages from gaza

    israel withdrew its military from gaza and continued building a barrier, becuase of thsi attacks in gaza have decreased dramatically. after thsi there were protests in israel for leaving gaza
  • Hamas is elected

    this terrorist was elected into government of Palestine, and they plan on destroying israel. because of this many nations have pulled support from palestine
  • the 2006 lebanon war

    Hezbollah( another terrorist group) attacks Israel in urban areas resulting in many civilian deaths
  • the battle of gaza

    Hamas vs the traditional government. in the end hamas wn over ther gaza strip , and the PA got controls west bank
  • the gaza war

    israel attacked hamas camps in to stop missle attackes in urban areas.