major events in language learning

  • birth

  • cooing

    pleasant vowel sounds
  • observation

    interest in turn-taking games
  • babbling

    adding consonants to cooing sounds,
    repeating syllables,
    comprehend commonly hear words
  • joint attention

    active participation in trading roles and turn-taking games,
    preverbal gestures: pointing & showing,
    attempts to influence others' behavior
  • first words

    babbling includes sounds and intonation patterns,
    speed and accuracy increases
  • speech emerges

    spoken vocabulary expands to 50-200 words
    combination of words
  • clarity

    talks clearly and understandably
  • transition words

    use of "and", "or", and "but" to combine sentences
  • concept understanding

    understand shapes, numbers, and sizes
  • begin to read letters

    recognition of 5+ letters
  • defining words

    explaining meaning of commonly used words
  • growth of vocabulary

    vocabulary of 1500-2100 wordss continues to grow
  • reading recognition

    identifies 200+ words
  • phonological awareness

    rhyming, alliteration, segmentation, blending, and manipulating of words and syllables
  • grammar

    exceptions to grammatical rules are mastered
  • interpetation

    ability to summarize and paraphrase emerges
  • abstract thinking

    using complex sentence structure to explain opinions
  • 12th birthday