Dec 31, 700
Chinese used fingerprints to establish identity of documents and clay sculptures
700s AD -
Dec 31, 1149
King Richard of England introduced the idea of the coroner to investigate questionable death
Fidelus was first to practice forensic medicine in Italy1670—Anton Van Leeuwenhoek constructed the first high-powered microscope
Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen developed the science of spectroscopy.
Crime scene photography developed
Alphonse Bertillon developed a system to identify people using particular body measurements
Alphonse Bertillon Alphonse Bertillon (1853–1914), the son of medical professor Louis Bertillon, was a French criminologist and anthropologist who created the first system of physical measurements, photography, and record-keeping that police could use to identify recidivist criminals. -
Edward Henry developed first classification system for fingerprint identification
Edward Henry Sir Edward Richard Henry, a British official stationed in India, began to develop a system of fingerprint identification for Indian criminals. (Henry created 1,024 primary fingerprint classifications.) In Argentina, Juan Vucetich, a police official, also used Galton's findings to create a fingerprint system. -
Edmond Locard formulated his famous principle, “Every contact leaves a trace.”
AFIS developed by FBI, fully automated in 1996
Jeffreys developed and used first DNA tests to be applied to a criminal case
Alec Jefferys use of genetic tests in forensics goes back a century to the discovery of blood typing. But it wasn’t until the development of the first DNA fingerprinting techniques by Alec Jeffreys in 1984