Gifted and talented

Major Contributors in Gifted Education

  • 1905 BCE

    Alfred Binet

    Alfred Binet
    Alfred Binet, along with Frenchman Simon, developed the Binet-Simon tests(National Association for Gifted Children, n.d.). These tests were used to identify the children of higher intelligence (National Association for Gifted Children, n.d.). After identification, these children were placed into special classrooms (National Association for Gifted Children, n.d.). Through this test, intelligence is recognized as a numerical outcome (National Association for Gifted Children, n.d.).
  • 1869 BCE

    Francis Galton

    Francis Galton
    Hereditary Genius, by Galton, was published during this year (National Association for Gifted Children, n.d.). This study consisted of over 400 British men and concluded that heredity and natural selection produced intelligence (National Association for Gifted Children, n.d.).