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Mahatma Gandhi Timeline

  • Gandhi Is Born

    Gandhi Is Born
    Mahatma Gandhi is born on October 2, 1869. In Porbandar, near Bombay. He was born into a merchant caste.
  • At 19 Gandhi Starts College

    At 19 Gandhi Starts College
    Mahatma Gandhi starts studying law at a college in London. He is being made fun of for being Indian at the school.
  • Gandhi Comes Back To India

    Gandhi Comes Back To India
    Gandhi comes back from London. After studying law and in lonely time philosophy. Returns home.
  • Gandhi Goes To South Africa

    Gandhi Goes To South Africa
    Gandhi ends up being unsuccessful in India. He then moves to South Africa to try being a lawyer.
  • Gandhi Founds The "Natal Indian Congress"

    Gandhi Founds The "Natal Indian Congress"
    Gandhi saw that Indian people were getting turned into laborers. And that made him make the Natal Indian Congress
  • Gandhi Raised An Ambulance Corps

    Gandhi Raised An Ambulance Corps
    During the Boer War, Gandhi had made ambulance corps. And he served for the South African Government
  • Gandhi Declares He Either Goes To Jail Or Dies

    Gandhi Declares He Either Goes To Jail Or Dies
    Gandhi said he would either go to jail or die. Before accepting the anti-Asian law.
  • Gandhi Creates An Ambulance Corp For The British & Returns To India

    Gandhi Creates An Ambulance Corp For The British & Returns To India
    Gandhi before he returned home created an ambulance corp for the British. After he was done there, he then returned to India.
  • Gandhi Becomes A leader

    Gandhi Becomes A leader
    Gandhi becomes a leader in the new formed Indian National Congress. Which is a political party.
  • Gandhi Launches A Noncooperation Campaign

    Gandhi Launches A Noncooperation Campaign
    Gandhi creates a noncooperation campaign. Wanting Indians to spin their own wool, and also want them to stop buying or receiving things from the British.
  • Gandhi Retires

    Gandhi Retires
    Gandhi retires as head of the party, but is still the leader. But he also thought that India would never really receive freedom.
  • Gandhi Is Killed

    Gandhi Is Killed
    Gandhi was killed in 1948 on his way to a prayer. He was killed by a Hindu who was angered that Gandhi was trying to reconcile Hindus and Muslims.