Mahatma Gandhi

  • Mahatma Gandhi Birth

    Mahatma Gandhi Birth
    He was born in Porbandar, which is near Bombay. His family fell under the Vaisya caste. His family was middle class.
  • Gandhi Gets Hitched!

    Gandhi Gets Hitched!
    Gandhi was married at the age of 13!!! He was young but already moving quickly with his life.
  • First “colored” Lawyer

    First “colored” Lawyer
    When Gandhi was unsuccessful in Bombay, he moved to South Africa. He was the first colored lawyer to join the supreme court.
  • Peaceful Revolution

    Peaceful Revolution
    Gandhi states that he would rather go to jail or die instead of having to obey the anti-Asian law. Many people joined him and for this he was sent to jail.
  • Protests For Salt Tax

    Protests For Salt Tax
    While they were protesting for salt tax Gandhi led many people. It was a 200 mile journey. For this he was put in jail.
  • Retired

    He retired so he wouldn’t be the main leader. But he is actually the leader. He was confident that India would never have freedom.
  • Independence

    Gandhi finally got a victory. They had won independence. This split India and Pakistan apart.
  • The Death of Gandhi

    The Death of Gandhi
    Gandhi was on his way to Delhi. He was killed by a angry Hindu because he didn’t like how Gandhi was trying to reconcile Hindus and Muslims.
  • The Awards

    The Awards
    Gandhi won many awards. One of the awards was an epic motion picture. That represented his life.
  • After Gandhi Died

    After Gandhi Died
    After almost 50 years after Gandhi died his ashes were dumped in the Ganges River. It was a ceremony honoring him.