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Mahatma Gandhi

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Event #1- Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbander, Kathiawar, India. His dad, Karamchand Gandhi, was a chief minister in Porbander. His mom, Putlibai, was deeply religious. This event is important because Gandhi becomes an important leader in nonviolent civil disobedience and Indian Independence. Source: (Kytle 18)
  • Great Chicago Fire

    Great Chicago Fire
    Event #2- The Great Chicago Fire occurred on October 8, 1871- October 10, 1871 in Chicago, Illinois. The cause of the fire is still undetermined, but one belief is that it started in a barn. The fire then grew out of control and caused nearly $200 million in damages and around 300 deaths. This is significant because stricter building and fire codes were put into place, and it laid the foundation for the world's first skyscrapers. Source: (Grun 433) and (
  • Edison and Swan Create the First Electric Lights

    Edison and Swan Create the First Electric Lights
    Event #3- In the year 1880, Thomas Edison and Joseph Swan developed the light bulb. Swan came up with the idea and structure of the light bulb, but it was unrealistic due to the vacuum tube that was used. Edison then made improvements to the invention that caused it to be more practical and to last longer. Eventually Swan and Edison worked together on the light bulb and created the Edison- Swan United, which became a large manufacturer of light bulbs. Source: (Grun 439) and (
  • Goes to College

    Goes to College
    Event #4- Gandhi was accepted into Samaldas College when he was eighteen in 1887. The college was located in India. After, Gandhi went to study law in London, England, even though he wanted to become a doctor. When he went back to India, Gandhi tried to become a lawyer, but when in the court room, he got nervous and left. Source: (Kytle 28) and (
  • Natal Indian Congress

    Natal Indian Congress
    Event #5- In 1894, Mahatma Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress. He created it after experiencing discrimination on a train. Gandhi saved enough money to get a first class ticket and because he was Indian, a white man didn't believe that he was allowed to sit there. Gandhi then refused to move to the back of the train and was forcefully removed from the train because of that. This is important because the Congress fights against discrimination, and for Indian rights. Source: (
  • First Modern Olympics

    First Modern Olympics
    Event #6- The first modern Olympics took place in Athens, Greece on April 6, 1896. Twelve countries competed and there were forty-three events.Some of the events were cycling, swimming, wrestling, gymnastics, and tennis. There were more than sixty thousand people watching in the crowd. This event is important because the Olympics grew to be a worldwide event with two hundred and six countries competing in it. Source: (Grun 451) and (
  • Indian Famine

    Indian Famine
    Event #7- In the year 1897, a famine struck India. It started in Bundelkhand, India and then spread to most of the country. Around one million Indians died from starvation and the conditions. Source: (Grun 451)
  • Natal Indian Ambulance Corps

    Natal Indian Ambulance Corps
    Event #8- The Natal Indian Ambulance Corps was founded in 1899 during the Second Boer War. The war was fought between two Boer states and the British Empire. During it, Gandhi worked as a stretcher bearer. The Natal Indian Ambulance Corps was made up of free Indians and indentured laborers who worked as stretcher bearers for the British. This is important because it shows that Indians can have full rights of citizenship of the British Empire along with the responsibilities. Source: (Clement 41)
  • Satyagraha

    Event #9- Gandhi formed the Satyagraha in 1906. Satyagraha means "truth and firmness." This was his first mass civil disobedience campaign. He created the campaign in response to the restrictions on the rights of Indians from the South African Transvaal government. Source: (
  • Titanic Sinks

    Titanic Sinks
    Event #10- On April 15, 1912 the British ship, Titanic, sunk. On its trip from Southampton to New York City, the ship hit an iceberg causing one thousand five hundred, of the two thousand two hundred and forty passengers to die. This event is important because the Titanic was the largest ship of its time, and was able to sink which shocked many people. Source: (Grun 465)
  • Parliament's Rowlatt Act

    Parliament's Rowlatt Act
    Event #11- In February 1919 Parliament passed the Rowlatt Act. This act allowed certain political cases to be tried without a jury.This event is important because it later causes the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Source: (
  • Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

    Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
    Event #12- The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, also called the Amritsar Massacre, occurred on April 13, 1919. This was a result of the Rowlatt Act. It happened when Gandhi called to assemble a peaceful protest, and violence broke out instead. A couple hundred people died and hundreds were injured. This event is important because it showed how harsh power could be and what mistakes it could lead to. Source: (Clement 73)
  • Amelia Earhart

    Amelia Earhart
    Event #13- Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928. Amelia Earhart was the first woman ever to fly a plane solo across the ocean. Earhart's plane along with her was then lost and is still undiscovered. This event is important because it was a big step for

    women. Source: (Grun 495)
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    Event #14- One of Gandhi's most famous acts of civil disobedience was the Salt March which began in March 1930, and ended in April 1930. The march was to protest British rule in India. Thousands of Indians participated and the march was around two hundred and forty miles long. Source: (
  • "Fast Unto Death"

    "Fast Unto Death"
    Event #15- In 1932, Gandhi went on a fast to protest the caste system. This was known as the "Fast unto death." It lasted six days, and it happened while Gandhi was in prison. The fast was Gandhi's way of peacefully protesting Britain's idea of separating the "untouchables." This event was important because it stirred up protesting which made Britain get rid of their idea. Source: (
  • Date of Death

    Date of Death
    Event #16- Mahatma Mohandes Karamchand Gandhi died on January 30, 1948 in New Delhi, India. He was seventy- nine when he was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. Gandhi was killed by three shots to the chest at point blank, and died almost instantly. Right before he died he muttered, "Hey Ram." Source: (Clement 113)