Mahatma Gandhi

By Jacob.Y
  • Birth

    Gandhi was born on the 2 of October 1869
  • Leaving Home

    Gandhi left home to go study law in London at the inner temple
  • Return

    Gandhi returned home during mid-1891
  • Thrown off a train

    Gandhi is thrown off a train after he refuses to give his first class seat to a third class British man.
  • Gandhi founds the Natal Indian Congress

    Gandhi founded the Natal Indian Congress in 1894 to oppose a bill that denied the indians in South Africa their right to vote.
  • Gandhi is beat up

    As Gandhi land at Durban Harbour he is jumped by some white settlers and beat up, although Gandhi does not press charges and the white settlers that jumped him offer a public apology to Gandhi, this gives Gandhi a lot more public admiration and support
  • Asian Population registration act

    The Asian population registration act made all residents from asian countries including India register their name, address, age, job, other personla information and a card with their finger prints. This got Gnadhi to start planning his first protest called "satyagraha"
  • Gandhi's first protest

    Gandhi and 2,000 fellow Indians burn their regitration cards and start protesting in Johannesburg
  • Asian Population registration act abolished

    After the protests for the past six years the Government decides to abolish the Asian Popultaion registration act