Jansen invented the microscope
If it wasn't for his discovery we wouldn't of been able to look at cells. -
Helmont studied how plants grew and reproduced.
With his failure we learned about plants even if he didn't succeed. We learn from failure not success. -
Pasteur came up with a process that says if you drink wine and milk you will less likely get sick.Which was based of the germ theory.
He did come up with a theory that he thought would help other but he was wrong. -
Hooke discovered cells.He discribed them to look like 'monk cells' therefore they were called cells.
If it was not for his discovery we might have had a harder time figuring out diseases and why we are amuned to things also what helps us live. -
Leeuwenhoek learned in 1668 that if you grind lenses making simple microscopes,which used to make simple observations.
If it wasn't for him today we wouldn't of known as much as he did with putting lenses together we wouldn't have different persciptions of glasses. -
Leeuwenhoek observed the first single cell animal which was a bee.
If it wasn't for him we wouldn't of discovered single celled organisms and it no scientists would of got as far in biology today! -
Oken believed in cell theroy but he had his own idea about it.He believed thatere were tiny units of life called infusri that make up the human skin,bones,and organs.
We wouldn't of learned new parts of the cell theory that he figured out. We might of figured out but who would know when. -
Brown discovered the nucleus.
If it was not for his doiscovery we would not know what helps us live. -
Schwann discovered the digestive enzyme pepsin.
If it wasn't for his discovery we wouldn't of known anything about the digestive system and would not know where are food went. -
Schleiden figured out plant growth came about through the production of new cells,which he specculated where prophagates from the nuclei of old cells. which is jow proven wrong.
If it wasn't for his research we might of never looked up plant growth cells. We now know what is in them and how they reproduce unlike they knew in 1837. -
Schwann extended Schleiden's cell theroy to animals,stating that all living things are compsed of cells.
Roelliker found out that egg cells and sperm cells are cells.
It is a good thing Roelliker found out egg cells and sperm cells are cells because we can have information about what they are and why we have them. Now we know we have them due to cells. -
Virchow published his famous aphorism "Omnis cellula e cellula" meaning every cell stem forms from another cell.He stated that all diseases involve change in normal cell which led to medicine practice.
If it wasn't for his practice in cells we wouldn't know as much in modern medicine today. -
Aristotle experimented an animal the dissection.
He was one of the first to discover out animals insides and know what they were. Which leads us to cells.