Signing of the Declaration of Independence
On July 4, 1776, the United States of America declared its independence by signing the Declaration of Independence. The people of the US were tired of being controlled by great Britain, so the founding fathers wrote down a document and all signed it, this document is known as the Declaration of Indepedence. -
Original Signing of the United States Constitution
The Constitution of the United States of America is signed by 38 of 41 delegates present at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Supporters of the document waged a hard-won battle to win ratification by the necessary nine out of 13 U.S. states. This document is the first official, strong, and working form of government for the United States of America and the date will forever be remembered as one of the most historical events in US history. -
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Industrial Revolution
In 1790, the American Industrial Revolution began. During the Industrial Revolution people were coming up with new inventions, textiles were in huge demand, and factories were popping up everywhere. During the Industrial Revolution, physical work was reduced drcastically and the use of machines sky rocketed. -
Indian Removal Act Was Signed
On May 28, 1830, the Indian Removal Act was signed by president Andrew Jackson. This forced Native Americans to leave their land and give it to the Americans. The Natives had to travel hundreds of miles on the "Trail Of Tears" and thousands of Natives died. This gained much land for the American settlers, but it took a ton of land from the Natives and caused tons of them to die. -
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The Gilded Age
During the 1870's until about 1900 was a time period in America commonly known as the "Gilded Age". The gilded age was when many immigrants were coming to America and when these immigrants got to America, they got the jobs such as building skyscrapers and other dangerous jobs. There were many corrupt polititions during this time period. The term was created by Mark Twain because with the many skyscrapers and new inventions, it had a glittering surface, but was corrupt and horrible underneath. -
Wounded Knee Masacre
On December 28, 1890, a Sioux tribe camped by wounded knee creek, but surrounding their camp were many US soldiers. These soldiers were ordered to arrest the Sioux chief, Big Foot, and disarm his troops. Many Native Americans died at Wounded Knee creek this day -
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US Involvment in World War II
The United States of America has offically become involved in the worldwide known war, Word War II (WWII). On December 7, 1941, the Japanese military bombed the Pearl Harboor Naval Base in Hawaii. This caused a spark of outrage across the entire nation, and as President Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed the US congress, we became involved. This is important because it started our involvement in the horrible war of WWII -
Atomic Bombing on Hiroshima, Japan
On August 5, 1945 an American Air Force Plane dropped the world’s first atomic bomb in history over the Japanese city of Hiroshima.This explosion killed aproximately 90 percent of the city of Hiroshima, it also killed about 80,000 people,many other people woud also die of radiation exposure. Three days later, a second American Air Force plane dropped another "A-bomb" on Nagasaki, killing about 40,000 people. This was a very important event because it was the first atomic bomb dropped in history. -
My Birthday
I was born in Ephrata, PA. I have three brothers and two sisters and obviously a mom and a dad. I also have a dog named Otis, who is 11 years old. -
Terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001
On September 11th, 2001, two planes crashed into the twin towers in New York City. The towers fell within a matter of ours. A plane also hit the Pentagon, which imediatley went up in flames and was evacuated. Another plane was heading for the White House in Washington DC, one of the brave men on this plane took over the plane from the hi-jackers and crashed the plane in Summerset, PA, saving the White House. -
Killing of Osama Bin Laden
On May 2, 2011, the worldwide known terrorist who swore revenge on the United States of America was shot dead by a US Marine Corps squad working with Special Ops. This has been an extremely important event in tyeh progress of defeating the al Qadea terrorist group who was responsible for the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and many of the other worst terrorist attacks on the US. The men who carried out the operation have been congratulated and rewarded for their great brave accomplishment.