Louis XIV of France

  • Louis XIV Marries

    Louis XIV Marries
    Louis marries Maria Theresa of Spain, daughter of King Philip IV of Spain (from 1660-1683)
  • War of Devolution

    War of Devolution
    The war consisted of France and Spain over Spanish Netherlands land (present-day Belgium and Luxembourg) (1667-1668)
  • Franco-Dutch War

    Franco-Dutch War
    The Franco-Dutch war consisted of France, Sweden, Munster, Cologne, and England against the Dutch Republic which then was joined by the Austrian Habsburg lands, Brandenburg-Prussia, and Spain to form a Quadruple Alliance (1672-1678)
  • Treaty of Nijmegen

    Treaty of Nijmegen
    The Treaty of Nijmegen ended the wars between France, the Dutch Republic, Spain, Brandenburg, Sweden, Denmark, the Prince- Bishopric of Munster, and the Holy Roman Empire. It mainly focused peace between France and the Dutch Republic (1678-1679)
  • Palace of Versailles

    Palace of Versailles
    The Palace of Versailles was transformed into now one of the world's largest palaces in the world, it was used to govern from there
  • Louis's Wife Passes

    Louis's Wife Passes
    Queen Maria Theresa of Spain passes away at the age of 44 (1638-1683)
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    In 1685, king Louis took away the Edict of Nantes, which granted rights such as the freedom to worship (religion), which was issued by his grandfather king Henry IV in 1598
  • League of Augsburg

    League of Augsburg
    The League of Augsburg was formed by Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I and consisted of Austria, Bavaria, Brandenburg, the Dutch Republic, England, Ireland, the Palatinate of the Rhine, Portugal, Savoy, Saxony, Scotland, Spain, and Sweden. The treaty was founded in 1686 and was known as the Grand Alliance after England and Scotland joined. It was formed to halt Louis XIV of France's expansionist policies
  • War of the Spanish Succession

    War of the Spanish Succession
    The War of the Spanish Succession turned France into a debt country, which turned the people against the government (King) and had the death of Spanish king Charles ll (1701-1714)
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Treaty of Utrecht
    The Treaty of Utrecht helped end the war of all countries Spain, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Savoy, and the Dutch Republic (March-April 1713)
  • Rule of king Louis XIV of France

    Rule of king Louis XIV of France
    Louis passed. His rule lasted 72 years, the longest a monarch has reigned for. His 5-year-old grandson king Louis XV succeeded him