Born in England to Mildred and Alec.Alec was a schoolteacher and an ardent advocate of rationalism.Mildred, was a strong supporter of the British suffragette movement. -
Golding began attending Brasenose College at Oxford in 1930 and spent two years studying science, in deference to his father's beliefs. In his third year, however, he switched to the literature program, following his true interests. -
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Golding worked as a writer, actor, and producer with a small theater in an unfashionable part of London, paying his bills with a job as a social worker. -
He graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education. -
In 1939, Golding began teaching English and philosophy in Salisbury at Bishop Wordsworth's School. That same year, he married Ann Brookfield, with whom he had two children. -
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Joined the navy.
exposing him to the incredible cruelty and barbarity of which humankind is capable. -
Lord of the Flies
In Lord of the Flies, which was published in 1954, Golding combined that perception of humanity with his years of experience with schoolboys. -
Golding died in Cornwall in 1993.