Lord of the flies

  • Birth

    in Saint Columbo Minor, Cornwall, England. He was raised in a 14th-century house next door to a graveyard.
  • graduation

    In 1934, a year before he graduated, William published his first work, a book of poetry aptly entitled Poems. The collection was largely overlooked by critics.
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    After college, Golding worked in settlement houses and the theater for a time. Eventually, he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. In 1935 Golding took a position teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury. in his experience of teaching William made the novel lord of the flies. but one day in 1940 he just abandoned it all and joined the navy
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    The Navy

    During World War II, he fought battleships at the sinking of the Bismarck, and also fended off submarines and planes. Lieutenant Golding was even placed in command of a rocket-launching craft. Golding’s participation in the war would prove to be fruitful material for his fiction. But a few years later William when world war 2 ended William went back to writing and teaching
  • Lord of the flies

    in 1945 after 21 times trying to publish his good novel, lord of the flies. the story talked about a group of boys on a adventure because of a plane wreck. this book showed symbolism it set a tone for Williams future. since the book came out it was considered a classic worthy of gratitude.
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    in 1963 William retired from teaching, a person named peter brook made a film adaptation of lord of the flies. two decades later at the age of 73 he was awarded a noble prize
  • death

    he spent the last few years with his wife and on June 19 1993 he died of a heart attack