
Long and Short term causes

  • Manchu Dynasty

    Manchu Dynasty
    The rule of this absolutist dynasty was a long term cause of the Civil War because it created the context in which the Civil War developed.
  • The Opium War (1834)

    The Opium War (1834)
    The Opium War was a direct encounter between west and east cultures, the way the British treated the Chinese in this event will have a great impact on the Society, this war was one of the first openly antiwestern policy.
  • Tai Ping Rebellion

    Tai Ping Rebellion
    This religous and social rebellion against the Manchu Dynasty, the leaders decuded they had the Mandate on Heaven, this was considered the first civil war against the Qing Dynasty and it becomes a precedent of the Chinese Civil War. The Qing Dynasty continued its mandate.
  • The Sino-Japanesse War defeat

    The Sino-Japanesse War defeat
    When the Japanesse took control economically and politcally over Korea the Chinesse goverment and military felt a complete devastion, they felt humiliated and the anger against the Dynasty continued to grow.
  • The return of Sen Yixian

    The return of Sen Yixian
    Sen Yixian flee as a political refugee to America, in which he learned and became an intellectual, when the revolution began he was called back to govern China in 1912. He created the Guomintang (GMD) and declared himself president of the Republic of China, this event for me started to the race for the presidency.
  • The May Fourth Movement

    The May Fourth Movement
    After the Treaty of Versailles obviously humilliated the Chinese government the students and young people took the streets of Pekin to restore nationalism and asked to the authorities a fair deal. The May fourth Movement was important because it light up the spark of revolution all over the country but mainly on the young people.
  • Warlord Fights

    Warlord Fights
    The Warlord Era was characterized by a semifeudal system in which lord from different families would seek the power over the region or even the empire. There was a lot of suffering, misery and hunger in this time which lead to the feeling of a revolution. 1916-1828
  • CCP and GMD United Front

    CCP and GMD United Front
    Eventhough the GMD was already fighting long before the CCP there was alliance made by the leaders of this Parties so they could liberate China from the Warlord Era, both of this parties had different ideologies but they were able to unite efforts.
  • The Purification Movement

    The Purification Movement
    Finally, the Purification movement was the last event before the Civil War. The GMD was threaten by the Comunnist porpularity in order to regain control the regime started the hunt for communist and activists, 250,000 people were killed during this movement. The CCP was able to retreat to the mountains of Jiangxi and the revolution began.
  • The North Expedition

    The North Expedition
    Together the CCP and GMD, supported by the Bolsheviks, decide to liberate the northern regions of the country from the Warlords. They were sucessful on the so called expedition and China was now a Republic controlled by an united front. 1926