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Logan's Life Path

  • I'm born

    I come into being inside of a hospital; it's bright and I don't like it. Ironically, the whole world grows a little darker as a result
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    From my birth to the age of twelve
  • I go to preschool

    I get my first taste of education, and separation from my parents. I hate it, and act like a menace as a result. At this point in time I'm a little idiot child who can suck a little laughter out of a situation by being willing to do behavior that not many other kids would do. Thankfully, I would never shake the habit.
  • Reading becomes a hobby

    My parents force me to sit in a chair, in my room, all alone after school every day for two weeks. In that time the only thing I'm allowed to do is read from a collection of books that had been accumulated by my half-brother and parents. Over those two weeks, reading grows from something that I just happen to be good at into a passion. As a result, my ability to not be an annoying idiot splits into two categories, the exponentially growing "annoying" part, and the shrinking "idiot" part.
  • I start high school

    I immediately start failing classes and spend my entire first year treading water. By a small miracle, I get a 3.1 GPA
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    High School to Graduation
  • I join Speech and Debate

    To provide a light in the darkness that is my academic shortcomings, I join the Speech and Debate teams. Much like school, I'm exceptionally mediocre. Still, it's fun.
  • The year ends

    I sing slave spirituals as I trudge home, finally understanding what it feels like to lose one's shackles, at least for a little while.
    In reality, I start wanting to go back to school within weeks. I get bored fast.
  • Sophomore Year Begins

    I scream the whole night beforehand.
  • I graduate

    I leave, and it's a lot less fun and happy than I thought it would be.
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    Speculation at best
  • I start college

    It smells funny and I get the feeling that the money isn't quite worth it.
  • I end my education

    I graduate with a Masters in Library Science, now realizing that the average salary is not nearly enough to make up for spending six more years in college.