I was born over the pacific ocean on May 21, 2004. We were moving from alaska to hawaii and it was unexpected for me to be born on a plane. Lukly there was a doctor and nurse on board and we were the only family on the plane because it was our personal plane because Katy Perry is my mom and my dad died before I was born so of course I am rich. -
Babys first strokes
When I was only 3 years old I became an expert synchronized swimmer. I was expeted to be in the olimpics by 2011 when I was only 7 years old. -
Elementary School
When I turned 4 I started atending honalulu elementary school. I made lots of friends, and everyone wanted to be my friend because Beyonce was my mom. -
The Truth
When I was 6 years oldd I found out that I was adopted by Beyonce. I can't beleive that Beyonce was never my mother and that I never had a father that died. I especialy that I wasnt born on a plane. -
My first vacation
For my first vacation I went to alaska to see my birth mother. When I got there I found out that she died from cancer, I was sad but not that sad though because I never really knew her. -
Better than ever
When I was 9 I was one of the best swimmers among 14 year olds. We do 4 big compotitions evry year and I got first in all of them this year. -
Middle school
When I turned 9 I started atending middle school. Most of my friends from elementary school came to my new school with me, but a couple of my friends moved.