Living Timeline

  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    Diploma with 20 college credits and academic scholorship
  • First Summer Job!

    First Summer Job!
    Helping pay for college
    June 11, 2019-August 15,2019
  • University of Texas at Austin

    University of Texas at Austin
    Major in Science for nursing
    Bacholer degree in nursing
    August 25, 2019- May 20, 2023
  • College Job

    College Job
    Help pay for college
    August 30, 2019- April 24, 2023
  • RN License

    RN License
    Got my RN license to work in hospitals and applied for a job at San Antonio Methodist Hospital.
  • Job as Neonatal Nurse

    Job as Neonatal Nurse
    At San Antonio Methodist Hospital, I got the job as a full-time neonatal nurse
    November 4,2023- January 10, 2026
  • Back to School

    Back to School
    Went to San Antonio College to get my master's degree in science for nursing.
    September 1, 2024- December 5,2026
  • NICU Neonatal Nurse

    NICU Neonatal Nurse
    Promoted to NICU neonatal nurse at San Antonio Methodist Hospital