

  • Charles II was restored to the throne

    Charles II was restored to the throne
    The restoration of the monarchy marked the beginning of the Restoration Age (1660-1700)
  • The black death

  • The great fire

    The great fire began in a bakery.
  • Sir Isaac Newton builds the first telescope

  • Charles died. His brother James II took the throne.

    Charles died. His brother James II took the throne.
    James was unpopular.
  • Mary became Queen.

    Mary became Queen.
    Parliament asked Charles´ daughter Mary and her Duch Protestant husband, William, to replace James.
  • Agustan Age

  • Anne Stuart took the throne.

    Anne Stuart took the throne.
    After the death of Maryand William, Anne Stuart, the young daughter of James II, took the throne. She would be the last of the Stuarts to rule England.
  • King George I ascended to the throne.

    King George I ascended to the throne.
    When Queen Anne died leaving no heir to the throne, her nearest Protestant relative, George Augustus, succeeded her. King George I came from Hanover, Germany.
  • George I´s son succeeded to the throne: George II

    George I´s son succeeded to the throne: George II
  • Age of sensibility

    1750-1798..... 1789 marked the end of Neoclassicism
  • The Industrial Revolution took place.

    The Industrial Revolution took place.
  • George II died. The reign of George III began.

    George II died. The reign of George III began.
  • The French Revolution

  • William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge published their Lyrical Ballads.

  • George III was officially declared insane.

  • Gaslights appeared on London streets.

  • Peterloo Massacre

    The first worker´s strike in St. Peter´s Field in Manchester. (violent)
  • George III died.

    George III died.
    His thoughtless son became King George IV.
  • Two important events.

    • The first policemen were introduced; *The bus omnibus was introduces in London.
  • George IV died.

    George IV died.
    He was succeeded by his liberal brother, William IV.
  • William´s passage of the Reform Bill

    William´s major contribution: his passage of the Reform Bill, which extended the right to vote to members of the middle class and some artisans.
  • Death of William IV. Victoria is crowned Queen.

    Death of William IV. Victoria is crowned Queen.
  • The first real bicycle made in Scottland.

  • The end of the Industrial Revolution

  • Queen Victoria married her German cousin, Albert.

    Queen Victoria married her German cousin, Albert.
  • Failure of the potato crop causes famine in Ireland.

  • England enters the Crimean War

  • Big Ben was casted.

  • Prince Albert died of typhoid fever.

  • Free grammar schools were established

  • Queen Victoria died. Edward VII becomes king.

    Queen Victoria died. Edward VII becomes king.