Literacy Timeline

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    Recommended that Childs early education should be natural.
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    Believed in natural learning but added another dimension, developing principles of informal instruction as well.
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    believed in natural unfolding of children and also followed Pestalozzis ideas for instruction in younger children
  • Reading Readiness (Morphett and Washburnes research)

    This was tested to show that instead of waiting for the maturity of the children, that children ages of 6years and 6 months could in fact have reading instruction.
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    Research Era

    Researchers brought many changes to the practice of literacy development. They observed, tested, correlated and did much more to fit the childhood literacy development of individuals.
  • Montessori Senses and Systems

    Believed that children needed early, orderly and systematic training in order to master skills. This created an environment by Montessori which placed the children in a classroom supplied with materials for specific objectives
  • Dewey Progressive education

    This is a child centered curriculum which was believed to be built around the interests of children and that children learn through play in real life setting.
  • Emergent Literacy (Marie Clay)

    children acquire some knowledge about language, reading and writing before coming to school. This is how children model and create their own ways of learning.
  • Piagets Cognitive Development

    Children face stages within their cognitive development which describes their intellectual abilities at different age/stages
  • Vygotskys Schema Acquisition

    A general theory that suggests that learning occurs as children acquire new concepts. This is considered a schema which are mental structures where people gain and store information
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    Explicit Instruction and phonics or sound symbol relationships

    Whole language instruction began to be criticized because test scores seemed to indicate that children were not acquiring literacy skills needed to become fluent readers. New language skills were put into place within literature teacher with very subtle immersion.
  • Balanced Comprehensive Approach

    "no single method or single combination of methods can teach all children to read"
  • National Reading Panel

    Phonemic Awareness (individual sounds are in words)
    Phonics (sound-symbol relationships)
    Vocabulary (learning the meaning of words in order to understand what is read)
    Comprehension (being able to understand what is read)
    Fluency (reading with expression and appropriate speed)
  • No Child Left Behind

    Money from the federal government
  • National Early Literacy Panel Report

    Know the letters and sound of the alphabet
    Phonological awareness
    Can rapidly name letters and numbers
    Can write their name and letters
    Can remember what was said to them for a while
    Concepts about Print
    Can produce or comprehend spoken language
  • Common Core Standards

    Work was started in 2007/2008
    Not a curriculum or method
    Many states have written their own
  • Act 284, Read to Succeed Legislation

    Act 284 provides for a strong assessment and intervention system for students kindergarten through twelfth grade with a goal of all students becoming proficient readers by the end of third grade.