Balanced Comprehensive Approach
Balanced literacy is about balancing clear language direction along with independent learning and language exploration. The article “Four Reasons to use the Balanced Literacy Approach” states, “Teaching reading with a balanced literacy approach is the perfect combination between whole language and phonics. In a balanced literacy program, students see reading and writing modeled, share in the reading and writing with the teacher, and are actively engaged in word study.”(Richardson 2005) -
No Child Left Behind Act
January 8, 2002 the No Child Left Behind was passed by Congress. In the book “No Child Left Behind” states, “As its proponents stressed, the No Child Left Behind Act mandated that schools achieve measurable improvement in the academic performance of their students or face the consequences.”(Peterson,2003, 24) The big focus of No Child Left Behind is to close student achievement space by giving every child a fair, equal and significant opportunity to acquire a high quality education. -
Common Core Standards
The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic standards in mathematics as well as English language arts. The learning goals outline what a child should understand and be able to do by the end of each grade.Many states have created there own common core standards. -
Read to Succeed
Act 284, Read to Succeed legislation, was created in 2015 to address literacy performance in South Carolina and put in place a comprehensive system of support to ensure South Carolina students graduate on time with the literacy skills they need to be successful in college.