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Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Rousseau believed that children should only learn what they are developmentaly ready for. He felt as though shildren learn through curiousity and should be allowed to learn through freesom. This means that he believed the teacher should interveene as little as possible and offer strategies that blend with the child's learning. -
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Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi
Pestalozzi developed ways for learning that combined natural elements and informal instruction. He believed that children del=veloped through sensory manipulative experiences. He also believed that parents and teachers were responsible for making sure that the child continued to learn. -
Rousseau's published work where he stated his ideologies. -
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Friedrich Wilhelm August Frobel
Frobel also agreed that children learn naturally and created plans for instructing young children. He is well known for including play in plearning and dinstructiion. He saw the teacher as a designer and was the first person to create a curriculum that included objects and materials. He also developed the term "kindergaten" -
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John Dewey
Dewey's philosophies led to "progressive education" which he believed that the curriculum should be centered around the interests of the child. He also believed that children will learn the most when there are multiple content areas to learn. -
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Maria Montessori
Montessori created a way of learning that used the senses to promote learning. She believed that children needed early, orderly, and systematic training in order to gain full skills. She believed that the teacher mode and guild and the students will imitate as the way of learning. -
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Jean Piaget
Piaget created the idea of cognitive development which describes children's abilities at stages of their growth. He also believd that children needed to be active in their own learning by changing and reorganizing their knowlege. -
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Lev S. Vygotsky
Vygotsky's theory states that children learn as they acquire new concepts or schemas. He also talks about the "zone of proximal development" where children are able to compleat some parts of a task, but not all. -
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B.F. Skinner
Skinner saw that people in a child's environment played a vital role in their education and learning experiences. She created the idea of behaviorism that children will learn with positive reinforcements. -
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Reading Readiness
Testing during the 30's and 40's created a platform for a big influence on reading. Reading readiness includes skills such as auidiotry discrimination, visual descrimination, visual motor skills, ad large motor skills. -
National Reading Panel Report
The National Reading Panel Report was a meta-analasis that revealed key elements to literacy success. The panel analyzed the best strategies for teaching students how to learn. -
No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
NCLB was one of the first policies to show a dramtic involvement of the federal involment in leteracy instuction. The goal was fot every child to be literate by the 3rd grade. It was also designed to close the achievement gap in literacy developement between socioeconomic classes.