Natural Early Education- Rousseau (Emile)
Natural Learning with Informal Instruction- Pestalozzi
Importance of play emphasized in learning by Froeble
Froeble also started "Kindergarten" -
Reading Readiness
Reading Readiness from developmental psychologists. This movement brought about the consideration of "mental age" as a factor for reading improvement and advancement. -
Behaviorism- B.F. Skinner
Senses and Systems- Montessori
Created a method of instruction that used the senses to promote learning. -
Progressive Education- John Dewey
Emergent Literacy- Marie Clay
Stated that children learn lots of information even before school has started. Brought into account preconceived information. -
Cognitive Development- Piaget
Piaget introduced the four stages of cognitive development that proved vital to the education of young children and understanding their cognitive maturity. -
Schema Acquisition- Vygotsky
Vygotsky introduced his general theory about intellectual development. He said that learning occurs in young children when they gain new concepts which he coined "Schemas." He believed that mental connections were formed through social interactions. -
Phonics- Juel
Importance of focus on sounds as a part of learning language and literacy. -
Learning to Read and Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children
Balanced Comprehensive Approach
Using Multiple Methods of Beginning Reading Instruction -
National Reading Panel Report
No Child Left Behind
For every student in third grade to be fluent in reading by the end of the grade year. -
National Early Literacy Report
Literacy Development in the Preschool Years
Race to the Top
Grant program for underachieving schools. -
Common Core State Standards
Morrow, L. M. (2015). Literacy development in the early years: Helping children read and write, 8th ed. Pearson.