Literacy Timeline

By syd555
  • Froebel

    Froebel believed that humans are essentially productive and creative. He sought to encourage the creation of educational environments that involved practical work and the direct use of materials. Froebel created kindergarten.
  • Montessori

    Montessori is a method of education, created by Maria Montessori that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. She believed that children should make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process.
  • reading readiness

    Standardized tests that were designed to measure the traits and achievements of school beginners that contribute to their readiness for first-grade instruction
  • Piaget's Cognitive Theory of Development

    Piaget believed that there are four stages of cognitive development that are defined by age.
  • Skinner

    Skinner believed that learning is a function of change in overt behavior. Changes in behavior are the result of an individual's response to events.
  • Bloom's Taxonomy

    Developed by Dr. Benjamin Bloom in order to organize learning in three domains: cognitive, affective and psychomotor
  • Vygotsky's Theory of Learning

    Vygotsky believed that social learning is an integral part of cognitive development and it is culture, not developmental Stage that underlies cognitive development.
  • Balanced Comprehensive Approach

    This approach states that not one single method can teach all children how to read. Each student learns differently and at their own pace.
  • National Reading Panel 2000

    A public policy that focuses on these aspects of reading:
    Phonemic Awareness (individual sounds are in words)
    Phonics (sound-symbol relationships)
    Vocabulary (learning the meaning of words in order to understand what is read)
    Comprehension (being able to understand what is read)
    Fluency (reading with expression and appropriate speed)
  • No Child Left Behind 2001

    This law states that every child must attend school and gain an equal opportunity for education.
  • National Early Literacy Panel Report

    This is a public policy that set standards for a childs reading development. These standards were for the child to:
    Know the letters and sound of the alphabet
    Understand Phonological awareness
    Rapidly name letters and numbers
    Write their name and letters
    Remember what was said to them for a while
    Concepts about Print
    Can produce or comprehend spoken language
  • Common Core Standards

    These are guidelines for teachers instruction. These are learning standards that a student should be able to meet by the end of the year.
  • Read to Succeed

    Act 284 was created to address literacy performance in South Carolina and put in place a comprehensive system to ensure SC students graduate on time with the literacy skills they need to be successful in college, careers, and citizenship.