Literacy Timeline

  • 3000 BCE

    The First Known Writing System was Created

    The First Known Writing System was Created
    Ancient Sumerians invented cuneiform script when trying to communicate on clay tablets. This was the very first form of writing in the world. We can still see evidence of cuneiform script in modern-day letters. For example, if you turn a cuneiform X on its side, you get a modern-day X. This was the start of new forms of communication.

    The evolution of literacy education: UT Permian Basin Online. UTPB. (2021, January 7).
  • 1450

    The Invention of the Printing Press

    The Invention of the Printing Press
    Johannes Guttenberg invented the printing press in the 1450s. This was a major point in literacy history. The printing press allowed for copies of information to be made quicker and easier. Rather than handwriting something over and over again, one copy could make hundreds in a single day. We still use a form of the printing press in education today. A modern-day printer is used in every school to ensure that all students get worksheets, books, etc.
  • Educators Begin Understanding How the Mind stores information

    Educators Begin Understanding How the Mind stores information
    During colonial times, most children were taught how to write at age 7. Reading was taught a bit earlier than writing, but educators weren't fully grasping how literacy was meant to be taught. Due to misunderstanding, many kids were punished for not understanding lessons that were far too advanced for their age. The 1970s brought about change to the teachings of literacy. Educators tried many different methods and discovered new things about the human brain vs education.
  • The National Reading Panel was Formed

    The National Reading Panel was Formed
    In 1997, the National Reading Panel was formed in order to find the very best solutions to the teachings of literacy. Their research helped educators tremendously. They came to the conclusion that the best methods included, phonemic awareness, phonics instruction, fluency, and comprehension.
  • The Five Stages of Literacy Development were Created

    The Five Stages of Literacy Development were Created
    Maryanne Wolf published a book in the year 2008 that described 5 different stages of literacy development. These stages are a great tool for understanding how a student learns literacy, and at what pace. These stages include the emergent pre-reader, the novice reader, the decoding reader, the fluent comprehending reader, and the expert reader.