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Literacy Lifeline

  • Bedtime stories

    Bedtime stories
    My mom is probably the first person to introuduce me to books and what amazing things can come from them. She says that at the age on one she could already tell I would be a book lover.
  • Shel Silverstein

    Shel Silverstein
    I was first introduced to the giving tree around the age of 5 I believe and it became and still is one of my favorite books. I think it resonated with me because it was the first time I actually connected with characters in a book.
  • Journals...Sort of.

    Journals...Sort of.
    So in my preteen years, I attempted to write in journals and pour out my emo-esque feelings and failed terribly. All i ended up with was doodles and lyrics from punk rock bands. But looking back now, doodling and writing lyrics was journaling and now i'm really good it,,,actually writing in journals that is.
  • Journals with my best friend

    Journals with my best friend
    My best friend then and now really encouraged me to keep writing during my 8th grade year. She was really into reading and writing just like me and she always used to say that we should write about our boy problems so that we could look at them years from now and laugh. We still have our journals and yes, we laugh hysterically.
  • Senora Montez

    Senora Montez
    My highschool Spanish Teacher Senora Montez was by far my most favorite highschool teacher because she was so dedicated to helping her students love the spanish language and understand the importance of being bilingual in todays age. Although i'm mexican american, my spanish isn't perfect and she influenced me to perfect my speaking, reading and writing skills and always encouraged me to minor in Spanish in College so that I could teach spanish in other countries as well as English.
  • Writing Contests

    Writing Contests
    In my third year of high school, my Englsih teacher Mrs. Furtado would constantly encourage and nag me to submit my writing assignments to writing contests because she thought my works were contest worthy. I finally did it and I ended up winning 1st place prizes three times. Her constant encouragement is what enabled me to write about my life more and reflect on my writing skills.
  • AP English

    AP English
    My senior AP English class was very influential to my early thoughts of becoming aN English Teacher as an option. It was again taught by Mrs. Furtado and I think it was more her as a teacher rather than the class itself that influenced me to take possible steps into the teaching field because she was so hands on and dedicated to helping us understand the importance of the english language and Literature.
  • London Calling

    London Calling
    LONDON. My pride and joy. I went on this trip with Fresno State for winter break and it was the best thing that i have ever done. Linnea Roberts, our awesome professor, was so influential on this trip because she said to enjoy not only the places but the people there especially because London in so full of culture and diversity. Being in London really gave me the push I needed to continue to take trips like this and reak soak in the cultures of other countries