First memory writing
My first memory writing was probably about one year before my first memory reading. My classmates and I were to practice writing the alphabet, and to draw a picture out of the letter we were given. I vaguely remember spending time both trying to practice writing the letters, and also spend time after that drawing whatever came to our minds. It's a very fond memory of mine, and definitely the first time in my life I can remember when I started to learn to learn letters. -
My first memory of reading
Although I'm sure that I've read many times before this, the furthest memory I can think back to where I read was when I was 6-7 years old. I was impressing my mother with my new-found reading skills, and although I can't remember exactly what I was reading at the time, I do remember saying that since I could read so well I shouldn't have to have a babysitter anymore. It didn't work when I suggested that idea, however, this sparked my interest in reading and learning. -
Trying to understand grammar
The next memory I had was somewhat a major event in my development of reading was beginning to understand basic grammar rules, such as periods. Prior to understanding periods, I would never take a short pause when I read out loud. This didn't stop until my father sat down with me one time and explained how periods function and their purpose for when we read. This opened up new doors in my ability to read, and helped me succeed in my literature classes. After this, I made strides in my reading. -
Writing comic books
When I was 8 years old, I fell in love with the Captain Underpants series. This sparked my interest in comic books and one day I decided to start making my own. Although it was essentially a collage of crude drawings, it was very fun. My parents were upset at the amount of ink I wasted once I made about 20 copies of them to distribute, but it helped me find a new creative interest of my own. -
Reading more difficult literature
As I entered middle school, I began to pick up different books that were more appropriate for my grade level. One of my favorite books that I read in middle school, and still is a great book to go back to, is The Hunger Games. I read this book in 7th or 8th grade and it somewhat rekindled my interest in reading for enjoyment. I later on went to read more books for entertainment and also was very interested in whatever books we read for our reading classes. -
Understanding BMX literacy
Contrary to other sports, BMXing is only about the rider and their own improvement. As I continued to learn more about BMXing, my knowledge with both bike and trick terminology grew. One day, I told my father about a new trick I learned called a feeble grind, and of course he didn't know what I was talking about. After this, I realized I need to adjust my terminology for my target audience. -
Trying to understand hard concepts in textbooks
As high school came, I was soon confronted with textbooks and readings that were far more complicated than what I was previously used to. I no longer had to simply comprehend the readings well enough to discuss them, but now had to take careful notes in the right sections, read without being distracted, etc. It was a major change and at first I really struggled with the changes. What helped me succeed was getting help once again from my father on how to manage my time properly when reading. -
Understanding Lyrics to Rap
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCfcpzm4fCQ My enjoyment of rap helped me understand what is being said in the music. However, someone who doesn't listen to rap may struggle to comprehend the lyrics. After showing my brother a rap song, my brother turned to me and said, "I couldn't understand anything he just said". This showed me that my experience helped me comprehend a particular music genre much better than someone who didn't listen to the same music. -
Writing for the college newspaper
During my time on the student-run newspaper, I was able to get a great deal of opportunities for interviews with coaches and athletes on games, and my personal favorite, an interview with the president at the time. This interview taught me to not only come prepared, but also be very confident when talking to a person of high power. I adjusted my style of talking to match the situation and had a successful interview with the controversial ex-President Breuder. -
Reading more articles
As I entered college, I became more intrigued with learning about current events, so I started to read newspapers and online articles. I became very interested in the Flint, Michigan water crisis, which was a very well-covered issue at the time. It helped open my eyes to the injustices in the world, and also just how different cultures are from one another. I don't read books for entertainment frequently, but I love to read new articles every day to learn about issues and also positive stories.