Life of Linux

  • Linus Torvalds Is Born

    Linus Torvalds Is Born
    Linux was born in Helsinki, France on December 12th, 1969. At the age of 24 he launched the Revolutionary software known, today, as Linux.
  • Linux is Announced

    Linux is Announced
    Linus announces that he is going to create a free open software that everyone can use and modify. This project was originally meant to be just a hobby and nothing professional.
  • Linus Makes Linux Open Source

    Linus Makes Linux Open Source
    Linux is labeled up the GNU GLP, which marks it as a free open source software, just like he originally wanted.
  • Linux Version 1.0 is Released

    Linux Version 1.0 is Released
    The first edition of Linux is launched to the world and computers programed with i386.
  • Linux Version 2.0 is Released

    Linux Version 2.0 is Released
    Linux 2.0 is released and with it comes support for SMP.
  • Linux Kernel Version 2.4 is Released

    Linux Kernel Version 2.4 is Released
    Linux 2.4 releases with USB and Bluetooth support.
  • First Linux Developer Summit

    First Linux Developer Summit
    The first Linux Developer Summit was held shortly after Linux 2.5 and the summit was held in San Jose, California, for two days.
  • Linus Creates Git

    Linus Creates Git
    Linus creates Git and leaves Bit Keeper after having several complications with the program in the early half of the decade.
  • Linux Laptops Arrive

    Linux Laptops Arrive
    Linux forms a partnership with the company, ASUS, to create a computer that ships with Linux pre-installed onto the device.
  • Androids Are Released

    Androids Are Released
    Version 1.0 of the Android OS is released with its own version of Linux. The first version of Android was labeled under the name Cupcake. Today, over 2 billion people are using an Android device with Linux.
  • Google Announces Its Own Version of Linux

    Google Announces Its Own Version of Linux
    Google announces that its own web browser, Chrome will be compatible with Linux.
  • Linux Kernel 3.0 is Released

    Linux Kernel 3.0 is Released
    After many patches of Linux 2.16 Linus finally ended the long strain of numbers and released Linux 3.0
  • Linux Kernel 4.0 is Released

    Linux Kernel 4.0 is Released
    Linux comes out with patch 4.0 which enabled live patch to occur for the software.
  • Microsoft releases its own Linux

    Microsoft releases its own Linux
    Microsoft, at long last, creates its own version of Linux 24 years after it originally released.
  • Linux Turns 25 Years Old

    Linux Turns 25 Years Old
    Linux celebrates its 25th anniversary