Limited Monarchy in England

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta is a document that was signed by the British people as well as King James of England. This document gave the English people basic rights and highlighted that even the King was not above and he must follow it at all times.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Parliament was Established

    On this day besides the Magna Carta the Parliament of England was established only the House of Lords. This took a lot of power away from the King because not only he would make decisions now he had an entire parliament to do that. The House of Commons was added but later in time and that day was May 1, 1707
  • King Charles I rule

    King Charls really ruined the British peoples opinions on an absolute monarch and lead it to its demise after him because imprisoned his enemies without trial, Increased taxes, Dissolved Parliament, Enforced the Anglican prayer book on the Scottish - this angered the Scots, and Had to ask Parliament for money to fight the Scots
  • Long Parliament

    Long Parliament was one for the record books it stayed in session for over 13 years and it was the time to constantly fight with King Charles I because they disagreed with his decision to disband parliament and he couldn't do it without consent. In response to this Charles sent his army to arrest everyone in the House of Commons and tried them for treason
  • English Civil War

    Lasted from 1642 to 1649, this was in response for King Charles I (Cavaliers) violent attack on the Parliament. The Roundhead or Parliament Army defeated the King and the King after the war was put on trial and was executed by his own people
  • Glorious Revolution

    The glorious revolution was the, Bloodless overthrow of James II,, The rule of James II worried Parliament, Parliament invites James' daughter Mary (a Protestant) and her Dutch Protestant husband, William III of Orange, to rule England, William and Mary arrived with an army and James II fled to France
  • English Bill Of Rights

    The English Bill of Rights made England a limited monarchy. It Ensured superiority of Parliament over the Monarchy, gave the House of Commons the power of the purse, The Monarchy could no longer interfere in Parliamentary debates or suspend laws, and Barred any Roman Catholic from sitting on the throne