Lilead Meeting Chicaog
First face to face meeting where with the help of Lilead mentor, Pam Berger and my small group, developed a focused goal for the project. -
Meeting - Asst. Director of Technology
Met with Jeremy Paul. We discussed at length the role of the school librarians in our 1:1 initiative which will be implemented 2015-2018. I offered feedback on the Professional Development plan that would be starting in May 2015 for Year 1 iPad deployment to 4th graders. I shared information about Inquiry Based Learning. Jeremy felt IBL would be a good way to help tranform learning with 1:1. -
1:1 Presentation to Parents/Community
Meeting - Director of Curriculum
I met with Drue Feilmeier, Director of Curriculum about my Lilead Project goal. We discussed most of the items from my narrative. We also determined the aligned state standards as well as how my project aligns with the draft of our Comprehensive district plan. -
Embedding Inquiry into a Unit
Met with Drue Feilmeier and offered more feedback on a template to be used with 1:1 training of 4th grade teachers. We added several areas that would prompt teachers to consider using inquiry steps as they also added technology to the existing unit. -
Phone Call - Pam Berger
Lengthy call with Pam Berger. She helped be take one of her existing Inquiry workshops, which was orginally two days. Pam shared many documents as we transformed the workshop to fit into one 6 hours workshop for the librarians at Hempfield which I would lead in the summer. -
1:1 Training - Day 1
SAMR ModelThis first day of training was run by our district personnel. We did one activity in which we took an existing unit that teachers use and looked at ways to use the iPad technology to transform the learning. There was a discussion about project-based learning and inquiry-based learning. This was a very surface discussion. There was some mention of inquiry during the SAMR model instruction. -
Final Development of Summer IBL Workshop
Phone call with Pam Berger to finalize all activities and documents for Summer Workshop. -
Additional 1:1 Training
Additional training focused on specific apps for the iPad and how teachers can use them in the classroom. -
Additional 1:1 Training
Additional training focused on specific apps for the iPad and how teachers can use them in the classroom. -
Inquiry Workshop
First Inquiry workshop where half the librarians from Hempfield attended. The day was filled with much growth and librarians took to IBL like a fish to water. -
2nd Inquiry Workshop
Final Workshop where the rest of the department attended. -
Summer Lilead Meeting
Face to face meeting where we created elevator speeches, PSAs and continued to refine our project goals, narratives and action steps. -
Library Deptarment Meeting
Librarians decide they want to create a teacher inquiry based learning workshop for Sept and March inservices. -
Librarian Embeds Inquiry into Instruction
Elementary librarian Sarah DeMaria internalized IBL after the summer workshop. She then embedded this into a lesson for 3rd grade students. The teacher was overwhelmed and excited about how the students came back to her room with more questions and excited to learn about science. -
Teacher IBL Workshops
Teacher IBL Workshops
Teachers that chose the IBL workshop gave very good evaluations and felt that they had a better understanding of IBL. Two teachers have since reached out to work with the librarians on transforming existing projects. -
Meeting - Superintendent
Met with Superintendent Chris Adams. He is our former Asst. Superintendent and has now taken over the helm. We discussed how IBL can help us achieve not only several goals in our Comprehensive Plan, but also our overall mission. The elevator speech came in very handy. -
Sarah DeMaria submits a proposal to PSLA Conference for an IBL workshop
Meeting - Asst. Superintendent
Met with our new Asst. Superintendent Mike Bromirski. He was very interested in hearing about the Lilead Fellows Project. He is a former elementary teacher and elementary principal. He was very positive about IBL. He used inquiry in his classroom and so did not need sold on the concept, and had a very good picture of what it looks like. Moving forward, he did feel that our best opportunity is next school year when we enter into the curriculum cycle for the second time and focus on instruction.