Lifetime Personal Health

By JL1275
  • 20's

    Health tips: Healthy diet, exercise, eat healthy, don't smoke, avoid drugs, use alcohol in moderation, avoid risks for injury (i.e. wear a seat belt), have good hygiene, find a PCP
    Routine Health Care: medical checkup at least every 2 years, women need gynecologist exam, breast exam, Pap test every 2-3 years, men need testicular exam, have recommended immunizations, get eye exams
    Concerns: Sexual health (get tested for STD's), mental health, emotional health
  • 30's

    Health tips: healthy weight, regular exercise, monitor BMI, reduce stress, wear sunscreen
    Routine Health care: skin cancer exam, cholesterol screening, hearing test, eye exam, dental exams all about every 1-2 years
    Concerns: sexual health, mental and emotional health, skin care, build muscle
  • 40's

    Health tips: Have healthy habits, learn your family medical history,
    Routine Health Care: have a physical exam every 2-3 years, dental exam every 6 months, eye exam every 2 years, blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, baseline EKG, colorectal cancer screening starting at age 45, immunizations

    Concerns: chronic pain, stress, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, BMI, Osteoporosis, anxiety and depression, sexual health, skin problems, changes in vision
  • 50's

    Health tips: Eat healthy, stay active both mentally and physically, challenge your mind, maintain a healthy weight, don't smoke, get enough sleep, reduce stress, drink alcohol in moderation
    Routine health care: physical exam, dental exam, eye exam, blood pressure screening, cholesterol screening, skin exam, baseline EKG, colorectal cancer screening, immunizations
    Concerns: abnormal blood sugar levels, anxiety, changes in vision, chronic pain, erectile dysfunction, menopause heart disease, cancer
  • 60's

    Health tips: protect your heart, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, eat healthy, drink alcohol only in moderation, have a smoke detector
    Routine health care: flu vaccine, blood pressure screening, bone density test, mammogram, colonoscopy, dental exam, rectal exam and fecal occult blood test, hepatitis vaccines, pelvic exam, Pap test, eye exam, blood glucose test, tetanus shot, thyroid test, shingles vaccine, PSA tests, skin exam
    Concerns: Learn warning signs about heart attack, stroke, etc.