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Lifetime Personal Health

  • 20's

    Eat healthily
    Exercise regularly
    Do not smoke (at any age)
    Protect your body
    Have good hygiene (at all ages)
    Have clinical testicular exams
    Have high cholesterol screening
    Have a dental exam every 6-12 months
    Make sure your BMI is below 25
  • 30's

    Dental exam and cleaning every 6-12 months
    Eye Exam every 1-2 years
    Hearing test
    Cholesterol screening
    Skin cancer screening
  • 40's

    Physical Exam Check-up every 2 or 3 years
    Dental Exam and cleaning every 6-12 months
    Comprehensive Eye Exam every 2 years
    Blood Pressure Screening every 2 years
    Cholesterol Screening every 5 years
    Diabetes Screening
    Baseline Skin Exam every 3 months to 3-4 years
    Baseline EKG
    Colorectal Cancer screening
    Immunization every 10 years
    Testicular Exam
  • 50's

    Physical Exam Check-Up every 2 years
    Dental Exam and cleaning every 6-12 months
    Eye Exam every 2 years
    Blood Pressure Screening
    Cholesterol Screening every 5 years
    Diabetes Screening
    Skin Exam once a year
    Baseline EKG
    Colorectal Cancer Screening
    Immunization every 10 years
    Testicular Exam
  • 60's

    Annual Flu Vaccine
    Blood pressure screening
    Bone density test
    Colonoscopy every 10 years
    Dental exam every 6 months
    Rectal exam
    rectal exam
    fecal occult blood test
    Eye exam
    blood glucose test at least every 3 years
    Hepatitis vaccines
    Pneumonia vaccine
    PSA tests
    Shingles Vaccine
    Testicular exam
    Tetanus shot every 10 years
    Thyroid test every 5 years
    Yearly skin exam