
Lifetime Personal health

  • Living Healthy in your 20's

    Health Tips:
    Make good lifestyle choices.
    Take precautions to avoid accidental injuries.
    Eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
    Avoid smoking, illegal substances, and use alcohol in moderation.
    Protect your skin and eyes.
    Practice good hygiene.
    Special Concerns:
    Take care of your sexual health and talk to your health care provider.
    Take care of your mental health and reduce the stress that can come with significant life changes.
  • Lliving Healthy in Your 30's

    Health Tips: Maintain a healthy weight as weight can be hard to lose in this age. Eat a healthy diet to get the proper nutrients and supplements the body needs. Exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
    Preventive Care: Make sure your home has working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Always wear your seat belt. Never drink and drive. If you ride a bicycle, motorcycle or recreational vehicle, be sure to wear a helmet. Women have a gynecological exam, clinic breast exam and Pap test.
  • Living Healthy in your 40's

    Living Healthy in your 40's
    Health Tips: Eating right, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, and wearing your seat belt can help reduce your risk for future medical issues. Routine health care in your 40's are to develop and maintain the doctor-patient relationship, encourage a healthy lifestyle, screen for disease, assess risk for medical problems and update immunizations. Chronic Pain, stress, Blood pressure, and cholesterol are all common health concerns.
  • Living a healthy life in your 50's

    Living a healthy life in your 50's
    Health tips: Maintain health by eating healthy, getting 30 -60 minutes of physical activity, challenging your mind, maintaining a healthy weight, reduce stress, get enough sleep, and do not smoke. Routine health care in your 50's are to develop and maintain the doctor-patient relationship, encourage a healthy lifestyle, screen for disease, assess risk for medical problems (including mental health issues) and update immunizations. Always talk to your health care provider if you have concerns.
  • Living Healthy in Your 60's

    Living Healthy in Your 60's
    Health Tips: Learn about the warning signs for serious medical conditions like heart attack and stroke. Talk to your doctor if you notice any changes in, or have any questions or concerns about, your health. Follow your health care providers' recommendations for examinations, screening procedures,diagnostic tests and preventative measures. Quit smoking, protect your heart, maintain a healthy weight, exercise regularly (at least 30 minutes), and eat healthy. Take steps to reduce risks of falls.