Period: to
Exercise and Healthy Diets
A healthy diet helps reduce the risk for heart disease and dieabetes later in life. Getting into good habbits is something I'm going to do during this time period. Exercising regularly as well as avoiding fast food will greatly benefit me later in life. -
Making sure I get enough protein, calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3 fats will help me build my body for later in life. -
Avoiding accidental injuries
Avoiding accidental injuries will help prevent prolonged health issues in the future. Being gentle with the body in terms of sports and other physically exerting activites. Taking the proper precautions and wearing protection will help prevent this. -
Protect skin and eyes
Protecting my skin and eyes during the period is crucial for preventing cancer and other diseases later in life. I will avoid indoor tanning salons. Wearing proper protection and sunscreen when in the sun for prolonged period of time will help this as well. -
Sexual Health
During this time it is likely I will be fairly sexually active. Always using protection is essential to avoiding STDs I can contract particularly during this time period. -
Period: to
Reduce Stress
I need to make time for myself during this time period. This will help reduce stress. I need to enjoy myself with relationships that are important to me. -
Don't be a Weekend Warrior
I need to avoid being the "weekend warrior". This means trying to fit a weeks worth of recreational activities into one weekend. It can cause me to be more tired during the week. -
Take care of your skin
Wear lots of sunscreen to protect your skin, as well as moisturizer to keep the skin looking young. -
Take care of your back
During this time period I need to make sure I have good posture to try and prevent back problems that start to develop typically during this time period. -
Build muscle
During this time period is when body fat starts to develop. Building muscle will help combat this. -
Period: to
Testosterone Loss
During this time period I will start experiencing testosterone loss. This is normal and should be expected. -
Wrinkles will start to become more prominent based on previous life experiences. It will happen regardless, but somewhat less if I remain healthy. -
Regular Checkups
During all time periods regular checkups are good. However during this time period you are crossing over into the threshold of being a senior citizen. It is the halfway point. More complicated health issues may start occuring during this time period and regular checkups can help identify these early on. -
Period: to
Reduce Stress
The risk of chronic stress is greatly increased during this time period with many changes in life happening. Making sure to take time to do relaxing things will help me combat this. -
Getting enough sleep is very helpful in all areas of life. During this time period losing sleep is common, making sure to get in a full 8 hours will help combat daily stress. -
Challenging your Brain
Challenging your brain during this time period will be essential. Memory may start fading during this time period so combating it with exercising the brain may prevent some of it. It may happen regardless. -
Period: to
Protecting your Heart
Heart disease is fairly common among people in this age group as well as other heart related issues. Combating this with good eating habbits and exercise will help you win. -
Drink in Moderation
This is the time period in which alcohol should be consumed less than it has been in the past. Only one or two drinks a day is a healthy amount at this age. Problems in the liver may occur otherwise. -
Smoke Dectector
Making sure to have a smoke detector in the house is crucial to being safe. During this time period we start to move slower and adding extra safety precautions against possible accidents will always be helpful.