Lifetime Personal Health

  • 20s

    In this decade of my life, I will remain active and join a gym to exercise often. I will learn to take care of myself in college without the presence of parents and develop a steady routine. Throughout this time of my life, it is important that I take preventive actions against STDs and make responsible choices at college parties so my health isn't put at risk. To eat healthy, I will learn how to cook.
  • 30s

    In my 30s, I will keep a healthy weight because my metabolism will be slowing down. To eat healthy, I will limit my intake of processed foods and extra salt, and also make sure to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals my body needs. Its is important that I get 30-60 min of exercise everyday to lower my risk of heart disease. To prevent skin cancer, applying sunscreen will be a part of my everyday routine, and I will also avoid smoking to prevent lung cancer and other problems.
  • 40s

    In my 40s, I plan to eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables, and to watch my cholesterol and blood sugar levels. For exercise, I will do pilates and yoga to keep muscle mass and strength. My focus for preventative healthcare will be to lower my risk of heart attack and stroke by monitoring blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol. Type 2 diabetes is also a health problem associated with people in their 40s, so I will make sure to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.
  • 50s

    In my 50s, it is important that I take the right steps to make sure I stay healthy while aging. I will eat lean proteins and whole grains, and possibly take nutritional supplements. I plan on maintaining a healthy weight to account for my metabolism slowing down. I will make sure to get plenty of aerobic exercise to benefit heart health and also exercise my mind to improve brain function. I will reduce stress as much as possible to prevent chronic stress and help mental and physical health.
  • 60s

    In this decade of my life, I will stay healthy by exercising regularly with a routine that works for me. I can swim, do yoga, or go for jogs. My diet will consist of a variety of non processed foods to help me maintain a healthy weight since obesity has a greater influence on the health of older people. I will also limit my alcohol intake. To prevent heart disease, I will keep track of my blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI, and more.