Period: to
Age 20-30
Healthy Eating: Focus on getting lots of Protein, Potassium, and Omega-3. Get protein from meats and nuts, Potassium from Fruit(at least 2 cups a day), and Omega-3 from salmon and tuna, or walnuts and flax seeds.
Physical Activity:Stay as active as you can. Get at least 1 hour of activity each day.
Preventative Health Care: Get regular check-ups with your doctor and a full physical exam at least every 5 years. -
Period: to
Age 30-40
Healthy Eating: In your 30's you need lots of Iron and Calcium.Keep eating lean meats and beans, and drink lots of milk and other dairy.
Exercise: Still be as active as you can. 45 minutes to one hour is best.
Preventive Health Care: Stay on your schedule with daily checkups. keep getting the 5 year physical. -
Period: to
Age 40-50
Healthy Eating: Your main focus should be Fiber, Potassium, and still Calcium. Eat 3 servings of whole grain a day, 2 cups of fruit, and plenty of dairy.
Exercise: Do what is comfortable. Start transitioning from running and cardio, and start doing yoga, or more static exercise.
Preventive Health Care: Start going to the doctor more often, and get the physicals every 2-3 years. -
Period: to
Age 50-60
Healthy Eating: Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, eggs, and dairy to supplement you Vitamin B, Vitamin D, and Calcium needs as you age.
Exercise: Keep up the yoga and other stationary activities, and get out and move when it feels best. Keep your heart strong!
Preventive Health Care: See a Doctor very regularly, and make sure to check in for any problems you have.Start getting that physical yearly, or once every 2 years at the latest.