age 20
Heathly eating
eat more greens
watch what you eat, dont eat to much fats
Physical activity
workout on a daily basie
play outdoors games with friends
Preventive health care
try to be healthy as you can be -
Age 30
Healthy eating
dont eat gressy food try to wipe it off
eat greens
Physical actiity
workout on a daily baises
do out door work or as well some type of games outside
Preventive health care
be healthy -
Age 40
Healthy eating
eat greens
be healthy on eating
Physical activity
workout on a daily baises
do outdoor chors
Preventive health care
just keep on what you been doing -
age 50
Healthy eating
eat your usual
eat greens
dont eat any types or not as much of fats
Physical activity
workout as needed
keep doing chors outside with family
Preventive health care
just do what you do -
Age 60
Physical activity
workout if needed or workout on a daily baises
Do outdoor chors to keep in shape
Health eating
eat what you eat
Preventive health care
keep on doing what you do like staying healthy and keep your body up