Lifetime Personal Health

  • Twenties

    Health Tips: Have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and get sleep. Routine Health Care: Attend medical checkups every 2 years, do regular testing and exams, get recommended immunizations. Special Concerns: Take care of your: sexual health and emotional health
  • Thirties

    Health Tips: Maintain a healthy weight, get recommended amount of exercise, and get enough sleep. Routine Health Care: For men, have a clinical testicular exam as recommended. For women, have dental exams, hearing tests, different screenings, and immunizations. Special Concerns: Take care of your mental and emotional health. Also take good care of your skin.
  • Forties

    Health Tips: Eat well, keep exercising, and keep getting enough sleep. Routine Health Care: Do many screenings such as screenings for cholesterol, diabetes, and blood pressure. Special Concerns: These are the ages where you will want to pay attention to preventing diseases. Check up with your doctor often.
  • Fifties

    Health Tips: As per usual, eat healthy, stay active (mentally and physically), and get enough sleep. Routine Health Care: Do your physical exams, all the screenings you did from your 40s, and immunizations. You should be good friends with your doctor by now.
  • Sixties

    Heath Tips: Make sure you are not smoking. If you are, you need to quit. Make sure that your alcohol consumption is only in moderation. Eat healthy and exercise. Routine Health Care: See your health care provider regularly for check-ups, health screenings and diagnostic tests, and immunizations. Special Concerns: Learn about warning signs for things like heart attack and stroke, talk to your doctors, and follow your health care providers' recommendations. Visit your health care provider often.