Lifetime Health

  • Healthy 20's

    Healthy 20's
    Have a healthy diet such as eating less fast foods and eating a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and nonfat dairy products to reduce risks for heart disease and other chronic health problems. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. Get regular exercise and build bones. Protect your skin and eyes to reduce risks for skin cancer. Practice good hygiene regularly. Select a primary health care provider and get regular checkups.
  • Healthy 30's

    Healthy 30's
    Maintain a healthy weight and eat a healthy diet, consisting of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and avoid fast food. Also acquire essential nutrients. Exercise regularly, for an average of 45 minutes daily. Don't smoke, use drugs, and consume minimum amounts of alcohol. Use sunscreen to protect your skin.
  • Healthy 40's

    Healthy 40's
    Maintain a healthy weight and eat a healthy diet, consisting of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and avoid fast food. Also acquire essential nutrients. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight. Receive routine exams and screening procedures from your health care provider. Research about your family's medical history.
  • Healthy 50's

    Healthy 50's
    Eat healthy by paying attention to nutrition and reducing the consumption of salt. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, vitamins, and minerals. Maintain a healthy weight. Do aerobic and weight bearing exercises 30-60 mins regularly. Don't smoke or use drugs, reduce stress, and limit alcohol consumption. Receive regular exams and screening.
  • Healthy 60's

    Healthy 60's
    Eat healthy by eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and foods that contain essential nutrition. Don't smoke and consume minimum alcohol. Exercise at least 30 minutes regularly, and maintain a healthy weight. See your health care provider regularly to get checkups, health screenings, diagnostic tests, and immunizations.