Lifespan Development

By kmlie
  • Erikson’s 4th Stage Industry vs. Inferiority

    I (Age 13) got all A’s in her middle school classes, after previously getting C’s in her science and math classes. I began working harder in classes because my parents told me I would need to get good grades if I wanted to get into a good college.
    In Erikson’s 4th Stage, Industry vs. Inferiority,
    the crisis is between working hard and seeing results (industry) or for those who do not see results or succeed and feel failure (inferiority).
  • Erikson’s 5th Stage - Identity vs. Confusion

    I (Age 17), as a junior in high school, went to a summer education program, because I decided that I wanted to do all I could to further my education after high school. In Erikson’s 5th Stage, Identity vs. Confusion, the crisis is between developing a strong sense of self and personal identity (Identity) or allowing for those around you to influence your actions and perception of yourself (confusion).
  • Erikson’s 6th Stage - Intimacy vs. Isolation

    I (Age 21) moved in with my partner in California.
    In Erikson’s 6th Stage, Intimacy vs. Isolation the crisis is between choosing to be close to others in a relationship (Intimacy) or to abstain from getting close to others and not getting into a relationship (Isolation).