Period: to
Neonates (0-1 month)
Vital Signs:
-pulse rate: 90 to 180
-respirations: 30 to 60
-systolic blood pressure: 50 to 70
-temperature: 98 to 100 degrees F Physical Changes:
-By week two neonates start to gain weight by about 1 oz per day
-starts independent circulation
-"nose breathers"
-reflexes: moro reflex, palmar grasp, rooting reflex, sucking reflex
-still have fontanelles Psychosocial Changes:
-no major psychosocial changes except crying with different tones for different wants/needs -
Period: to
Infant (1-12 months)
Vital Signs:
-pulse rate: 100 to 160
-respirations: 25 to 50
-systolic blood pressure: 70 to 95
-temperature: 96.8 to 99.6 Physical Changes:
-"nose breathers"
-doubles birth weight by 4 to 6 months
-fontanelles start to close at 9 months -
Period: to
Infant (1-12 months) continued
Psychosocial Changes:
2 months: recognizes familiar faces
3 month: smiles and frowns
4 months: reaches to people: drools
5 months: sleeps throughout the night
6 months: teething begins, sits upright, speaks a little
7 months: afraid of strangers
8 months: can say "no", can sit up alone
9 months: pulls up to stand
10 months: responds to name, crawls
11 months: starts to walk
12 months: knows name, walks -
Period: to
Toddlers (1 to 3 years) and Preschoolers (3 to 6 years) Continued
Psychosocial Changes:
-learn to speak and express themselves
-very attached to parents
-by 36 months most of the time basic language is mastered
-start to learn how to use language creatively
-start playing games and interacting with other children
-start to understand cause and effect -
Period: to
Toddlers (1 to 3 years) and Preschoolers (3 to 6 years)
Vital Signs Toddlers:
-pulse rate: 90 to 150
-respiratory rate: 20 to 30
-systolic blood pressure: 80 to 100 mm Hg
-temperature: 96.8 to 99.6 degrees F Vital Signs Preschoolers:
-pulse rate: 80 to 140
-respiratory rate: 20 to 25
-systolic blood pressure: 80 to 100 mm Hg
-temperature: 96.8 to 99.6 degrees F Physical Changes:
-continue to develop bronchioles and alveoli
-acquire immunity as bodies are exposed to germs from classmates
-neuromuscular growth -
Period: to
School Age-Children
Vital Signs:
-pulse rate: 70 to 120 beats/min
-respiratory rate: 15 to 20 breaths/min
-blood pressure: 80 to 110 mm Hg Physical Changes:
-most children grow about 2.5 inches and gain 4 pounds each year
-permanent teeth
-increase brain activity Psychosocial Changes:
-preconventional reasoning: avoid punishment
-conventional reasoning: look for approval from peers and society
-postconventional reasoning: make decisions guided by conscience
-development of self-concept and self-esteem -
Period: to
Adolescents (12 to 18 years)
Vital signs:
-pulse rate: 60 to 100 beats/min
-respiratory rate: 12 to 20 breaths/min
-blood pressure: 90 to 110 mm Hg Physical Changes:
-2-3 year growth spurt
-maturation of reproductive system (pubic hair, voice, menstruation)
- acne Psychosocial Changes:
-conflict because adolescents are trying to gain control of their lives
-independence and privacy
-self-conciousness increases
-trying to find identity
-rebellious behavior
-greater interest in sexual relations -
Period: to
Early Adults (19 to 40 years)
Vital Signs:
-pulse rate: 70 beats per minute
-respiratory rate: 12 to 20 breaths/min
-blood pressure: 90 and 140 mm Hg Physical Changes:
-from age 19 to about 25 the body should be working at it's best level
- life long habits are formed (exercise, smoking, food)
-subtle wear and tear on body occurs after the 25 years
-sometimes "shrinking" occurs
-gaining weight becomes easier Psychosocial Changes:
-Three words: work, family, stress
-try to "settle down"
-stable period of life -
Period: to
Middle Adults (41 to 60 years)
Vital signs:
-pulse rate: 70 beats per minute
-respiratory rate: 12 to 20 breaths/min
-blood pressure: 90 to 140 mm Hg Physical Changes:
-cardiovascular problems
-possible vision and hearing loss
-cancer risk
-menopause in women Psychosocial Changes:
-focus on achieving life goals
-"empty nest" syndrome
-stress from financial issues -
Period: to
Older Adults (61 years and older)
Vital Signs:
similar to vital signs of middle adults but get worse with age Physical Changes:
As the body slowly starts to get older many systems have problems and start to shut down such as: cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system, digestive system, renal system, nervous system, and sensory changes. Psychosocial Changes:
-mental heath often declines 5 years before they die
-independence is valued but it's harder to stay independent
-death of friends/familiy