Pulse at 90 to 180
Breaths at 30 to 60 per minute
BP ay 50 to 70
Temperature at 98 to 100
Period: to
Palmar and sucking reflex
no real sense of anything, yet
Pulse 100 to 160, Breaths 25 to 50, BP at 70 to 95, Temperature at 96.8 to 99.6
Period: to
can track objects with eyes
motor skills develop
identifies family
teething begins
Passive Immunity
movement skills develop may be timid around strrangers
can identify name, higher mobility skills
Period: to
Pules 90 to 150, Breaths 20 to 30, BP 80 to 100, temperature 98.6 to 99.6
developing lungs
very attatched to parents and basic language skills developed
Cariovascular System very similar to adults
loss of born immunities
Pulse at 80 to 140, breaths at 20 to 25, BP at 80 to 100, temperature at 98.6
Period: to
very developed muscles
Potty training terminal
talking, understanding, and interacting with others
90% develped brain
Pulse 70 to 120, breaths 15-20, BP 80-110, temperature 98.6
Period: to
School Age
preconventional reasoning is strong
conventional reasoning developing
permanant teeth and brain development
postconventional reasoning developing a little
Period: to
Pulse 60-100, breaths 12-20, BP 90-110, temperature 98.6
Sexual Development and size increase
Fixation on public image and riskier behavioral paterns
Period: to
Early Adulthood
vitals consistant with teen with BP increase
BP at 90 to 110
seek to avoid stress
more stable period in life emotionally and physically
optimum body function reached
spinal disks settle, slight shrinking
Period: to
Middle Adulthood
vitals constant with early adult
hearing and vision loss may occur
life goals being achieved
unknown health problems may develop
increased cholesterol
burdens of loved ones fall on middle adults
increasing chance of cancer
Period: to
late adulthood
increased BP and decreased cell count (marrow capacity)
atherosclerosis may develop
gastric secretions decrease
white cell count down, ability to fight infection decreases
vitals subject to habits
stiffness in veins and more labor breathing
taste buds desensitized and decreased saliva production
insulin levels decline
biphasic sleep cycle
decreased function of kidneys and nephroms
vision and hearing decline but do not diminish
brain shrinkage "cranial void creation"
terminal drop hypothesis
deterioration of nerve endings
facing death, possible depression, intense contemplation