DEvopment of the child birth through year 1 HK

  • Period: to

    Birth (0-1 month)

  • Physical Development

    Relexesodily Functions
  • Motors Skills and Development

    how to grasp things
  • Social

    Moving Mouth
  • Emotional

  • Intellectual

    See Faces
    Feeling Things
  • Sensory Development

    Feel Temperature Change
    Tasting things
  • Language Development

    Language Development
    Hearing Mother and Father talk
  • Period: to

    1-2 month

  • Intellectual

    not knowing a hole lot
    dont really know what is going on around them
  • Sensory Development

    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Decvelopment

    Language Decvelopment
    Cant talk
  • Motor Skills and Development

    just starting wiggle
  • Physical Development

    just starting to learn how to hold their head up
    these are my hand
    these are my feet
  • social

    talking and moving their mouth better
  • Period: to

    2-3 month

  • Social

    moving their mouth is getiing better but cant talk yet
  • Intellectual

    not a hole lot is going on
  • Sensory Development

    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Development

    Language Development
    Cant talk
  • Physical Development

    just starting to learn how to hold their head up
    these are my hand
    these are my feet
  • Motor Skills and Development

    just starting wiggle
  • Period: to

    3-4 months

  • Social

    Moving mouth is getting better but still cant talk
  • Intellectual

    knowing where their feet and hands are
  • Sensory Development

    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Developmetn

    Language Developmetn
    Cant talk\
  • Motor Skills and Development

    just starting wiggle
  • Physical Development

    just starting to learn how to hold their head up
    these are my hand
    these are my feet
  • Period: to

    4-5 month

  • Social

    stil cant talk
    hads are being used more
  • Intellectutal

    knowng where all their hads and feet are getting more involved
  • Sensory Development

    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Development

    cant talk
  • Physical Development

    just starting to learn how to hold their head up
    these are my hand
    these are my feet
  • Motor Skills and Development

    Motor Skills and Development
    just starting wiggle
  • Period: to

    5-6 month

  • Intellectual

    starting to know where things are
  • Sensory Developmetn

    Begins to show preference in
    colors and makes choices.
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Developmetn

    Words are starting to get better
  • Motor Skills and Development

    just starting wiggle
  • Phyysical Development

    just starting to learn how to hold their head up
    these are my hand
    these are my feet
  • social

    moving around
    hands being used
    not able to tlak yet
  • Period: to

    6-7 month

  • Social

    able to make gurggle noises
  • Intellectual

    knowing new things like parents better
    where toys are
    bains more effective
  • Sensory Development

    Sensory Development
    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Langugage Development

    Words are starting to get better
  • Motor Skills and Development

    just starting wiggle
  • Physical Development

    just starting to learn how to hold their head up
    these are my hand
    these are my feet
  • Period: to

    7-8 month

  • Intellectual

    bains are doing for learning each month
  • Sensory Development

    Sensory Development
    Begins to show preference in
    colors and makes choices.
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Langugae Developmetn

    Words are starting to get better
  • Physical Development

    now wanting to start to crawl
    use hand
    and other body parts more
  • Motor Skills and Development

    Knowing where thier toes and fingers are
  • Social

    making noises
    moving body a lot
  • Period: to

    8-9 month

  • Social

    Making lots of noises
    starting to use thier legs
  • Intellectual

    bains are doing more work
    finding more things
  • Language Developmetn

    Words are starting to get better
  • Sensory Developmetn

    Begins to show preference in
    colors and makes choices.
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Motor Skills and Development

    Knowing where thier toes and fingers are
  • Physical Development

    Physical Development
    now wanting to start to crawl
    use hand
    and other body parts more
  • Period: to

    9-10 month

  • Intellectual

    moving a lot thier brain call tell them what to do
  • Social

    making noises
    moving around a lot more
    being more social with parents
  • Sensory Development

    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Development

    Words are starting to get better
  • Motor Skills and Development

    Knowing where thier toes and fingers are
  • Physical Development

    now wanting to start to crawl
    use hand
    and other body parts more
  • Period: to


  • Social

    some words are finially coming out
    body muscles are getting stronger
  • Intellectual

    barin has changed a lot in last few months
    knowing everything a child at 11-12 months nees to know
  • Sensory Developmetn

    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Development

    words are here
    everything is here just about
    the little words like
    mom and dad
  • Motor Skills and Development

    muscles are getting strong
    sucking their fingers
    moving thier body all over
  • Physical Development

    Physical Development
    now wanting to start to crawl
    use hand
    and other body parts more
  • Period: to

    11-12 month

  • Social

    moving all over
    words are coming out
  • Intellectual

    barin has changed a lot in last few months
    knowing everything a child at 11-12 months nees to know
  • Sensory Development

    Sensory Development
    Can tell the difference
    between bright colors, like
    blue and red, but not subdued
    colors, such as pink and
  • Emotional

    moving mouth
    trying to say words
  • Language Development

    words are here
    everything is here just about
    the little words like
    mom and dad
  • Motor Skills and Development

    muscles are getting strong
    sucking their fingers
    moving thier body all over
  • Physical Development

    now wanting to start to crawl
    use hand
    and other body parts more